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Hamas Chief Killed in Israeli Strike in Lebanon: Newest Updates

The Hamas motion introduced on Friday that one in all its leaders was killed within the Bekaa area of jap Lebanon in an Israeli strike.

The Al-Qassam Brigades, the army wing of Hamas, mourned “the chief of Sharhabeel Ali Al-Sayyid (Abu Amr) after he was focused by Israeli occupation plane within the western Lebanese Bekaa.”

Earlier on Friday, a supply near Hamas, who requested anonymity, informed Agence France-Presse that Al-Sayed was a Hamas official within the Bekaa area and was “killed in an Israeli strike concentrating on him his automobile.

Lebanon’s Civil Protection stated that “one martyr and two wounded had been killed in consequence” of the strike within the city of Majdal Anjar, about 5 kilometers from the border with Syria and about 60 kilometers from the border with Israel.

In the meantime, the official Nationwide Information Company stated that an “enemy assault” left one lifeless and two wounded in Majdal Anjar.

The strike got here after Israel launched a raid Friday morning on two cities in southern Lebanon, killing two Syrian youngsters and a Hezbollah fighter.

Social media customers printed movies they claimed had been of Al-Sayyid’s homicide.

Israeli military spokesman Avichai Adraee additionally printed a video that he stated was in regards to the killing of Al-Sayyid, posting on his account in “X”: “The IDF attacked and killed earlier right this moment within the space Majdal Anjar the terrorist often called Sharhabeel. Ali Al-Sayyid, a frontrunner within the terrorist group Al-Gama’a Al-Islamiyya, which he labored to hold out a number of terrorist assaults in opposition to Israel in collaboration with the terrorist Hamas in Lebanon.”

Adraee defined that Al-Sayyed “was working for the Lebanese Islamic Group to assault Israel, particularly within the jap area up to now, the place his dissolution is taken into account a visual blow to the group’s capabilities. “

He continued: “The concentrating on of Sharhabeel served to weaken the group’s skills to hold out terrorist assaults in opposition to Israel that it had not too long ago deliberate on the northern border.”

Concentrating on Hamas leaders in Lebanon

On March 13, a member of the Hamas motion was killed on account of an Israeli assault concentrating on a automobile within the Tire area of southern Lebanon.

On January 2, the deputy head of the Hamas political bureau, Saleh Al-Arouri, was killed together with six of his associates in an air strike that focused an condominium within the southern suburbs of Beirut, Lebanon, Palestinian and American shops B’ Israel is the one who launched this motion.

On February 10, the chief of Hamas, Basil Saleh, survived his automobile being focused by an Israeli drone within the city of Jadra, about 40 kilometers from the border between Israel and Lebanon.

– Inside seven months, on account of the escalation on each side of the Israel-Lebanon border not less than 419 folks had been killed in Lebanon, together with 82 civilians, in line with a rely ready by Agence France-Presse primarily based on get together statements and official Lebanese sources. .

The Israeli aspect, for its half, introduced that 14 troopers and 11 civilians had been killed.

#Hamas #publicizes #leaders #killed #Lebanon #Israeli #strike
2024-05-17 21:00:01

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