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“Hallucinations and Paranoia”: Paris Jackson suffers from childhood trauma

“Hallucinations and Paranoia”
Paris Jackson suffers from childhood trauma

During her childhood, Paris Jackson was under constant tabloid press. The daughter of the King of Pop Michael Jackson is followed by paparazzi at every turn. As a result, she still suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder, as she now reveals.

As the daughter of the late pop star Michael Jackson, Paris Jackson was continuously followed at every turn by the US media and their paparazzi during her childhood. Those days are over now, but they have apparently left lasting damage to the 23-year-old. She still suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), revealed the singer on the Facebook show “Red Table Talk”.

Although the King of Pop always covered the faces of Paris and her one year older brother Prince Michael Jr. with masks on the street to protect them from the photographers, she did not yet have the constant noise caused by the cameras and reporters overcome, explains Paris Jackson.

“Flinch in panic”

“I sometimes experience acoustic hallucinations with camera clicks and severe paranoia,” said Paris Jackson. “I hear a rubbish bag rustle and panic flinches.”

Because of these and numerous other problems, she is in therapy. Nowadays she tries to protect her privacy by asking all visitors to sign a nondisclosure agreement before entering her home.

The singer had already made her post-traumatic stress disorder public a few months ago. At that time, she expressed her support for Paris Hilton, who claims to have been mistreated in a boarding school when she was young and is now campaigning to close such schools. “As a teenage girl who attended behavior change boarding school for almost two years, was diagnosed with PTSD as a result and continues to have nightmares and trust issues as a result, I stand with Paris Hilton.”

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