Home » today » Business » Grupo Agroponiente CEO Imanol Almudi to Speak at AECOC’s 26th Fruit and Vegetable Congress in Valencia

Grupo Agroponiente CEO Imanol Almudi to Speak at AECOC’s 26th Fruit and Vegetable Congress in Valencia

The CEO of Grupo Agroponiente, Imanol Almudí, is going to be one of the speakers In the’ 26th edition of the Fruit and Vegetable Congress made by the Manufacturers and Distributors Association AECOCwhich will be marked between the days June 11 and 12 at the Valencia Exhibition and Congress Palace. It is an event that will move the whole sector sell Spanish and whose speakers and speakers will be a group of distinguished experts and related professionals.

AECOC is a Spanish organization made up of more than 25,000 manufacturers and associated distributors, which aims to develop their sectors and offer more value to consumers. At the time, AECOC was born to promote the adoption of the barcode in Spain, but over the years it has evolved into a collaborative framework in which organizations can reach the user in the most effective way. The components of AECOC account for approximately 20% of the national GDP.

Along with Imanol Almudí, the event will feature as speakers the Director of Marketing and Communications of Sakata Seed Ibérica, Cari Plaza; the international consultant on agri-food and related issues, Francisco Borrás; general director of the Única Group, Enrique De los Ríos; co-founder and CEO of Grup Ametller Origen, Josep Ametller; the economist, university professor and collaborator of various media, Juan Ramón Rallo; AECOC advisor, Marta Munné; Anecoop’s head of Marketing and Corporate Image, Piedad Coscolá; and Platano de Canarias manager Sergio Cáceres.

The event, which is supported by Aqualife, Bollo Natural Fruit, Naranja Valenciana, Pack’n Og, Rijk Zwaan, will produce during the two days it lasts.

For Grupo Agroponiente, its CEO, Imanol Almudichosen from among the speakers why is that prestigious event and that you will have the opportunity to explain the company’s development and growth model, which has achieved unprecedented progress in recent years and has achieved a cumulative growth of 12% so far in the 2023/2024 campaign, It represents not only very good. pride, but also recognition of a job well done and the position this company has achieved in an overview of the fruit and vegetable sector in particular and in the retail sector in general.

2024-05-10 20:04:50
#CEO #Grupo #Agroponiente #speaker #AECOC #Congress

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