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Green Marketing Award 2023: Recognizing Innovative Sustainability Projects

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79 submissions entered the race for the coveted sustainability trophy. In the end, five innovative projects were awarded “Gold”.

After the successful premiere in 2022 (LEADERSET reported) the initiators ÖBB advertising, GroupM and horizon presented the Green Marketing Award for the second time at a big gala on Thursday evening. The award ceremony was moderated by Ö3 moderators Gabi Hiller and Philipp Hansa.

The Green Marketing Award is supported by Volksbank, Wiener Städtische and Österreichische Post as premium partners. LEADERSNET was media partner again this year.

Before the award ceremony, ÖBB CEO Andreas Matthä was invited onto the stage. In his speech, he explained what his company has already done for sustainability and which projects are to be tackled or implemented in the coming years. Climate protection minister Leonore Gewessler was in Luxembourg for a ministerial meeting, but sent a video message.

79 submissions

79 submissions were in the running for the coveted trophy, the participating projects show a broad cross-section of the diverse ambitions in the areas of sustainability, environment, social issues and corporate management.

In the three categories “think different”, “be aware” and “innovate”, the winners were selected by a top-class expert jury from a consumer panel with the research partner TQS. In the two newly introduced categories “b-2-be” and the young talent award “new momentum”, the jury selected the winning projects.

The winning projects 2023

“think different” presents products and services that represent an alternative to conventional offers and thus enable consumers to lead a more sustainable lifestyle. Went as a winner Ölz master baker with “Even more love with the free-range egg”.

“be aware” recognizes activities that provide awareness for solving relevant problems. Starting with soil sealing to circular economy, from biodiversity to human rights. Fetched himself in this category Wert guarantee with “Repair instead of throwing away.

“innovate” relies on new business models and green innovations. Gold got himself electrify with “Carport with solar panel”.

In the two newly introduced categories “b-2-be” as well as the young talent award “new momentum” the jury chose Woerle with “Regional CO2 reduced” and Chiara Brammer with “More transparency and comparability through an animal welfare scale” as winning projects.

You can see all gold, silver and bronze winners in the info box.

LEADERSNET was at the Green Marketing Awards ceremony. You can see impressions in the video in which the winning project in the “think different” category was honored and in our gallery.


Green Marketing Award – The winning projects

“think different”

Ölz master baker
With a free-range egg even more love

gift fabric
This is how you give today!

CLAW Climate Law
Initiative for climate law

“be aware”

Wert guarantee
Repair instead of throwing away

rail bees

Cemeteries Vienna
Together careful

Education Directorate Vienna
Project climate officer


Carport with solar panel

Stiegl Gut Wildshut
circular economy

Wiener lines
WienMobil Rad


Regional CO2 reduced

RWA warehouse goods
disposal campaign

RUSZ Repair & Service Center
Repairs for Future

“new momentum”

Chiara Brammer
An animal welfare scale for more transparency and comparability

2023-06-01 21:12:28
#winners #Green #Marketing #Award #ceremoniously #chosen

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