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Government tries to advance changes to expedite delivery of vaccination certificate

The new and reinforced QR security code and the digital self-management system of the vaccination certificate against covid-19 could be available sooner than announced. The Government tries to advance its launch by at least two weeks; It was originally scheduled for November 8.

Jorge Mora Flores, director of Digital Governance of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Telecommunications (Micitt), confirmed that it was decided to advance the self-management system by the end of October.

“We are not going to wait for November 8. We hope to announce soon to people that they no longer require email (for that management). With your identification number and information that will be requested, you will enter the page directly and find your certificate to download. We eliminate these queues and mail waits, which are due to the reality that our institutions have ”, acknowledged Mora.

The official admitted the limited budgetary capacity of the Ministry of Health to cope with the increase in the number of requests for vaccination certificates, which went from around 1,000 a day to 30,000. According to Mora, Salud can only contract up to a certain amount of daily emails to send, and requests have exceeded that capacity, increasing response times from minutes to eight days.

This, Mora reported, explains the long lines and long waits that dozens of people have had to do at the headquarters of the Ministry of Health, in San José, where they have had to go in person to help them resolve the request for the document. Many of those people, if not almost all, need it to travel abroad in the coming weeks.

The official clarified that they are practically up to date with the requests of those who were vaccinated in Costa Rica; their vaccination certificates, he said, are being generated very fast. However, he clarified, those who were vaccinated abroad will not have access to the self-management module, because the Ministry is certifying a vaccination of which there are no records.

“The procedure for these people will be preserved, with the advantage that when we enable self-management, the mail will be faster,” he promised.

The new QR code, said Jorge Mora, is counterfeit-proof because it contains security information, such as the digital signature of the Ministry of Health. The certification is also accompanied by the person’s name, date of birth, and vaccine information.

When the announcement is officially made and the new certificate is made available, people will only have to enter the platform of the Ministry of Health with their identification number and pin, and download the document. It will not be necessary to manage any other form or send email, clarified Mora Flores.

“The Ministry of Health is making superhuman efforts to attend to all these people. We call for calm to those who do not have to leave the country, or who are not going to participate in the pilot event on November 6 (concert). They can wait until November 8th. Relax because they will have their certificate generated and it will be self-managed.

“Let’s leave the request for the people who will go to the pilot event or who have to leave the country. It is a time of transition, it must be clear that the issue of the certificate comes from an international application. The Government has been working to meet this need, ”he reiterated.

At the international level, the presentation of the certificate with a QR code has become a requirement. It is also considered a door to reactivate tourism and commerce, by offering a security guarantee.

The previous week, the Government announced that this requirement will be established for entry to recreational or leisure activities, as of December 1.

“Unlike other countries, which have developed three or four QR codes and the population must use it according to need, Costa Rica has worked to have a single QR, which can be used for businesses, mass events and to enter and be recognized in countries of the European Union, a standard that is becoming a global standard ”, clarified Mora Flores.

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