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Government Seeks International Loan to Expand La Paz-Oruro Highway

The Government is managing an international loan to expand the La Paz-Oruro highway to eight lanes.

“We submitted this project yesterday to the Assembly for the benefit of the city of El Alto. As a national government, we are complying with the Senkata area, with District 8. We hope that this bill can be discussed in the coming days, or weeks, and in this way comply with the people of El Alto,” the president announced yesterday. Minister of Planning, Sergio Cusicanqui.

The authority highlighted that with the promotion of this road infrastructure, sent to the Legislative Assembly to make it viable, “they are complying with El Alto.”

According to the details, the international credit was requested from the Financial Fund for the Development of the La Plata Basin (Fonplata) for an amount of 57.2 million dollars over a 20-year term, with a five-year grace period.

This bill for international loans is the sixth that is awaiting approval in the Legislative Assembly; The total amount amounts to 470 million dollars.

Cusicanqui pointed out in a special way that the international context forced interest rates to rise and that is causing pressure for countries to lower their growth levels. However, he asserted that the case of Bolivia is different and remains at “stable” levels.

2023-09-29 04:30:24
#International #loan #managed #expand #Paz #Oruro #highway #lanes

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