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Gosh, No Need to Go to the Pharmacy! It turns out that only eating bananas can relieve high fever without chemical drugs – All Pages


fruit to relieve fever

GridFame.id –

Currently, many people have flu, such as sore throat, cough, runny nose and fever.

The disease can be the common cold because of the transition or also symptoms of Omicron disease.

Some people if they get a fever immediately buy medicine at the pharmacy to immediately subside or compress with warm water.

However, not many know, there are natural ingredients that can be used to relieve fever.

Natural ingredients for fever can use fresh fruit.

Yes, enough to consume fruit, fever can go down instantly without medication.

Bananas are one of the most effective for reducing high fever.

Apart from that, there are other fruits as well. What fruits do you think are effective for fever?

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Here are some fever reducer fruits along with tips on eating fruit when you have a fever.

Fever reliever fruit

For fever-reducing fruit, choose fruit that has a water content of at least 80 percent or contains lots of vitamin C which is good for endurance. Here are some of them:


Reporting from EatFirst, watermelon is a fruit that contains a lot of liquid.

As much as 92 percent of the composition of this fruit consists of water. Besides being able to help hydrate or increase the intake of important body fluids during a fever, this fruit also contains a lot of the antioxidant lycopene.

Antioxidants can be useful to help fight germs, reduce inflammation, and prevent infection.


Quoted from EatThis, the body burns more calories when the body temperature soars or has a fever.

For that, you are still advised to eat more calories when you have a fever, even though your appetite is declining.

Mangoes include the right choice of fruit to increase calories, fluid intake, vitamin C, and easily digestible fiber.

Keep in mind, try to choose a mango that is sweet or not too sour so it doesn’t hurt your stomach.

Usually, people with fever also experience digestive disorders.

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Drinking coconut water can help reduce fever without medication. When you have a fever, your body needs more fluids.

Reporting from LiveStrong, fluids are important to help normalize body temperature, inhibit infection, and transport essential nutrients throughout cells.

Coconut water can help replenish important fluids and electrolytes that are excreted from the body through sweat or urination.

Different from plain water, coconut water is enriched with potassium which the body and nerves need to regulate heart rate.

Remember, choose fresh or pure coconut water that is not added sugar and flavoring.


Although it does not contain as much liquid as other fruits, bananas can be consumed when you have a fever because they are relatively easy to digest.

Not only that, bananas are also enriched with vitamins and minerals that can help overcome a weak body, relieve stress, and keep bones strong.


Research shows that eating fruits rich in vitamin C such as oranges can help boost the immune system.

In addition to containing lots of vitamin C, oranges also contain lots of good fluids as a fever reliever.

Try to choose oranges that are sweet or not too sour so that your stomach doesn’t hurt.
If you don’t like oranges, other options can be strawberries or kiwi.

This article has been published on GridHealth.id with the title “Relieve Fever by Consuming Some of These Fruits, One of them is Mango

Also Read: Wow! Fever to aches, these are symptoms of infection with the Omicron variant of Covid-19 in people who have had two vaccines and boosters


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