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good or bad for your health?

More and more of these employees are doing part of their regular work at home rather than in the office. And the phenomenon has amplified with the Covid-19 health crisis. Indeed, modern technologies allow some workers to stay at home while being connected to the office by video, telephone, email, etc.

And this situation has many advantages. Thus, according to the Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS), the teleworker is “less subject to distractions from colleagues, is more flexible in the organization of daily tasks (better management of his time), his satisfaction professional experience is increased, (not to mention) the savings in time and transport costs ”.

This is for the good news. Because the sky for teleworking is not always blue. There is no shortage of examples. Still according to CCOHS, “isolation, the lack of distinction between home and work, more distractions from family or the risk of working excessively long hours” lie in wait for those who work from home. .

On these last points, it is not the International Labor Organization (ILO) which will say the opposite. Indeed, in a recent report devoted to teleworking, the authors note that this form of work “blurs the line between work and personal life”, which can lead to “high levels of stress”.

Know how to disconnect

In order to preserve your well-being, a few tips are in order. First of all, just because you are at home does not mean that you are not entitled to breaks. Regularly, get up, walk.

Then think “ergonomics”. At home, it’s easy to put the laptop on a coffee table and work slumped on the sofa. In fact, to prevent any risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and back pain, adopt the same reflexes as in the office. Namely, sitting in a chair or an armchair, in a suitable position.

Finally, keep family and work separate. One should not spill over onto the other.

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