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good news about immunity after infection!

In a recent study published in the journal Immunité, Chinese researchers have assured that antibodies were present in the blood of the majority of patients cured. This first statement is reassuring and has been confirmed by another American study. Since the start of the health crisis, doubts about potential post-infection immunity worried scientists ! Back on results of this study!

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The body builds immunity after infection

Chinese researchers havescanned the blood of several patients to check their immune response after covid-19 infection. Among the people tested, there were people who had been infected but already healed for several weeks, people who had recently been cured and finally people who had never been infected with the coronavirus.

The results are reassuring. Indeed, the majority of the blood of patients infected with covid-19 has specific antibodies to fight the virus. These include anti-protein S, one of the main causes of infection in our cells. However, other antibodies that paralyze the action of other proteins in the virus are not not sufficiently created. Only two patients have it.

However, alongside, the researchers note creating a strong immune response via T cells. This creation supports so-called innate immunity, which is the first line of defense against infection. This immunity is characterized by physical barriers such as the skin, inflammation, cells that destroy foreign bodies and a supplement of proteins. These events come act on all the harmful proteins of covid-19.

A positive test confirmed by the Americans

Thanks to these first results, the researchers say that‘A second infection is unlikely if all of the components of our immunity, explained above, are active. However, this experience has focused on only 14 patients. The results should therefore be read with caution.

The study is also being confirmed by researchers at the La Jolla Institute of Immunology in California, who have also done studies to understand post-contamination immunity, reports Trust my Science. The study analyzed 20 adult patients cured of the disease who had no not been hospitalized. Again, the results are positive: T-cells created by the body during covid-19 infection are particularly robust.

Thanks to these positive results, they have ” a solid starting point for search of possible differences enter here immune response dpeople with complications serious and those who recoversèrent of themselves, at home, or who are asymptomatic ” says Sette, a professor at the La Jolla Center for Infectious Disease Research and lead author of the study.

These various studies are reassuring and allow consider accelerating research on the next vaccine. Indeed, this scientist agrees with the authors of the Chinese study: ” These results are really good news for vaccine development ”!

Source: Futura Santé.

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Find out more about: covid-19 – immunity – patients

Posted by Salomee on May 19, 2020

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