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Gold prices are declining in evening transactions, and 21 gauge records 766 pounds per gram

registered gold prices In Monday evening trading, it decreased by 6 pounds, with the drop in the price of an ounce Gold worldwide At $ 1725, the price of gold in the Egyptian market is currently recorded at 766 pounds per gram of 21 carat, which is the main caliber in the market.-

Gold prices are in evening transactions

Caliber 24 records 876 pounds.

Caliber 21 records 766 pounds.

Caliber 18 records 657 pounds.

An ounce of gold is $ 1725.

The gold pound is 6128 pounds.

With the spread and tendency of consumers to buy online and shop through various selling sites, or even the sites of producing and manufacturers, cases have emerged to buy gold online, but they revealed major problems that the consumer may face when buying gold artifacts over the Internet.

There are several risks when buying gold artifacts over the Internet, which George Abdullah, one of the gold producers in Egypt, explains to us, among which is that the gold may be adulterated, Chinese gold, or of unknown origin.

He added, in special statements for the seventh day, that among these problems is that you buy gold and it may be stolen and here you may be subjected to legal liability, referring to fraud in various gold bullets, i.e. you buy 21-carat gold as an example and discover that it is 18 later and so on.

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