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Giorgetti: “Superbonus, abnormal monster. Stability Pact is compromised, no to LSD model growth”

MILANO – The Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti returns to the attack of Superbonus. “I would like to clarify. Building bonuses are not a new element: they have existed since ’96” and have contributed to growth. But with “the totally abnormal measure of 110%” and the invoice discount “they have created a monster that has destroyed the conditions of public finances in these years and in the next few years to come”, said the minister in the chamber during the general discussion on Def.

The deficit rises by 4 billion, a dent in the accounts

by Valentina Conte

On the Superbonus, on the other hand, the government has intervened again with a crackdown which is currently undergoing its process in Parliament. A decree that “represents a necessary step to reduce uncertainty about the costs of the Superbonus”, notes La. in a memorandum Bank of Italy who adds: “If not even the new restrictions were to slow down the accumulation of credits, the only way forward would be to eliminate the Superbonus before its natural expiry at the end of next year”.

Right from the The House then approved the majority resolution on the Def: there were 197 yes votes, 126 no votes and 3 abstentions. The text invites the government to “present the programmatic framework as soon as possible, as part of the medium-term fiscal and structural plan”, one of the elements foreseen by the new rules EU on budgets.

Giorgetti himself commented on the green light for the new EU Stability Pact approved yesterday. “It is certainly a compromise, it is not the proposal that the undersigned had put forward at the European level”, but it still represents “a step forward compared to the budget rules that would have come back into force in 2025”.

The deficit rises by 4 billion, a dent in the accounts

by Valentina Conte

“Certainly this stability and growth pact does not exactly meet the criteria of those who think that growth depends on the ‘LSD’ model, i.e. laxity, debt and subsidies. I continue to think that the growth model is what has made this country great in the post-war period which is what passes for sacrifice, investment and work”.

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– 2024-04-24 19:08:13

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