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Gina Tambini explains everything you need to know about monkeypox

SEMANA: What is the panorama in the monkeypox region?

GINA TAMBINI: We are seeing a significant increase in infections since May and the cases reported worldwide this year are already 27,814. These reports are from 89 countries. There are reports of some deaths from the disease. At the level of the Americas region, this data, as of August 5, is 9,562 cases in 24 countries. In Colombia there are 84 reported cases.

SEMANA: The coronavirus started in the same way, are we facing a scenario of a possible pandemic?

GT: This is a disease that can be controlled with the measures we take. This has been emphasized by the World Health Organization for surveillance, case detection and control of these infections. So it is a call for countries to strengthen the guidelines to monitor and control infections.

SEMANA: He explains that this disease can be controlled. How is it achieved?

GT: The disease is transmitted from person to person, through all skin-to-skin contact and through the secretions that clear these lesions. As soon as the person acquires this virus, there will be a fever in the first days, spots can appear on the hands, feet, face and mouth. These skin lesions evolve from spots to papules, they can have secretions and through them the contagion occurs from person to person. The fact of having these lesions requires medical attention, a laboratory test must be done to identify if the lesions are due to this virus. If yes, there must be an isolation because this disease lasts up to 21 days and even if the lesions have a scab, it can continue to spread. 99 percent of cases are occurring in young men, especially those who have information of a sexual orientation of being gay, bisexual. This behavior must be avoided, avoiding the number of new partners because there is a risk of transmission.

SEMANA: Is it a painful disease?

GT: If the lesions are in the genital areas or the rectum, it can cause serious problems and a lot of pain, but in other parts of the body they are skin lesions that develop into scabs and can be treated mildly.

SEMANA: Who will receive the vaccine?

GT: The indication is that the vaccine should be offered to close contacts of a confirmed case of this smallpox. Mass vaccination is not required or recommended at this time. There is a limitation in terms of global availability of this vaccine, although there is the possibility that the WHO and PAHO, with the laboratories, so that the batches can be increased. For the countries of the Americas region, there is already contact and commitment with the producing laboratory for the acquisition of the vaccines, Colombia has already expressed its interest and the country is included among the countries that will receive the immunizer.

SEMANA: In that order of ideas, will the Colombian health authorities be the ones who can reveal the number of doses that the country would have?

GT: Yes, it is better, I know that the group of experts is underway reviewing the technological data in terms of the data that is available on the most vulnerable population, which is most at risk, how many doses would be required and we have had the first request at this time in this framework of limited doses, but they have already told us that they would be interested in acquiring a larger number.

WEEK: How many doses would be required?

GT: Two, this vaccine comes from the vaccinia virus and its administration is by subcutaneous injection. The first dose is given on day zero and at four weeks, for people who have not received a previous smallpox vaccination. For people who have been vaccinated against smallpox, the indication is to receive a single dose.

SEMANA: So there should be no alarm about this disease…

GT: No, there should be no alarm about this disease and, as I say, it is treatable and in the vast majority of cases does not require hospitalization. Only in cases of severe pain.

SEMANA: What laboratory is the vaccine from?

GT: Right now there are vaccines that have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), that is the vaccine that the Revolving Fund is acquiring and it is from the Bavarian laboratory and the immunizer is Kineo, which is already approved for smallpox prevention.

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