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“Gilead’s Remdesivir causes mutations in the virus”

Covid-19 French infectious disease specialist and professor of microbiology Didier Raoult

Professor Didier Raoult, Director ofIHU Méditerranée Infection reviews the various studies on hydroxychloroquine. He also analyzes the excess mortality observed in 2020 and fiercely criticizes the antiviral remdesivir, produced by the Gilead laboratory.

Studies on patients treated and treated with hydroxychloroquine have been published. What can we conclude from this?

We have now treated on an outpatient basis 17,000 people who are present at the UHU. On the first series, that of 2020, of 10,429 people, there were 16 deaths and among these 10,429, there are 8,315 who had hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin among which there were 5 deaths. .

No matter what you do, you will never be able to find anything more effective than hydroxychloroquine. If the countries of Western Europe and the United States have decided to blackout hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, that does not prevent the rest of the world from moving forward and continuing to do so. publications.

We are in the process of preparing our second inpatient therapy series this time around. The work on outpatients is led by Mathieu Mignon and the work on inpatients is led by Jean-Christophe Lagier. We see that all the patients who were hospitalized in 2020 and the patients who went to intensive care are a little younger because the older ones unfortunately cannot go to intensive care.

Mortality mainly concerns very old people. The others sometimes went to intensive care, but rarely died. With the work of Jean-Christophe Lagier, we see that with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, the survival rate is significantly better than without this combination. If we compare the mortality data that we have at the IHU by age group compared to the official data, we see that the mortality is much lower.

I am happy to see the evolution of the country because, a year ago, we started by saying that we should not treat the sick, that we should stay at home and take doliprane while waiting.

I was happy to hear the minister say that the sick had to see doctors and that the doctors had to go to the sick and that eventually, they had to be given antibiotics and anticoagulants, which is a return to the medicine.

When I was first convened to the Council of the Order, I was assured that when I said that the sick had to be treated, it made a number of my colleagues uncomfortable because of the instructions from the Directorate. general of health which said that they should not be treated.

Little by little, things are still looking more and more like what we say. But there is still the hydroxychloroquine which remains a step to pass and which will pass at one time or another by the force of circumstances. Once again, treatment alternatives have been singular failures and have been reserved for countries with the highest mortality. So I am quite confident about the evolution of things.

Can we now better understand the excess mortality in 2020 compared to previous years?

The numbers encourage manipulation. Especially when you have simple ideas. However, what is very interesting is that those who shout the loudest are those who have the simplest ideas. They don’t know anything at all and take four digits to explain to people who spend their lives trying to figure out death rates what is true and what is not.

You have to try not to be completely overwhelmed by emotion to deal with things properly.

In any case, the English variant is less severe than variant 4, which came from mink farms and which has flared up throughout Europe, Australia and New Zealand and which has now disappeared. So our mortality since January is lower than in November or December.

Several things lead to think that one should tend towards a normalized situation as time passes: the natural immunity acquired by the infection has increased the level of protection of the population; the vaccine, even if it is not perfect, adds something; there are people who even before being infected have natural immunity; finally, we now detect and treat patients.

You have to treat it not as an epidemic, but as a disease that needs to be cured. You have to keep calm and deal with the day-to-day situation and deal with it seriously. The point that seems essential to me is to detect the emergence of new variants. We know that there is a considerable source of variants in mink farms and probably in wild mink. We recently found in Africa a focus of coronavirus emergence that needs to be monitored.

In addition, we have both clinical and medical evidence that Remdesivir is a mutagenic agent which causes mutations extremely easily in the virus. Given the ineffectiveness of this drug, I therefore suggest banning its use so as not to have new variants appearing.

The entire intervention of Professor Didier Raoult can be found on the Youtube channel of theIHU Mediterranean-Infection

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