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“Germany Plans to Refuse Visas to Russian and Belarusian Athletes: Opposition to IOC Decision”

“If the Ministry of Foreign Affairs gives its consent, we will refuse visas to Russian and Belarusian athletes who want to enter our country,” said German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser. This is how our western neighbors want to oppose the decision of the IOC.

In March, the International Olympic Committee recommended the return of Russians and Belarusians to compete on the world arena. Athletes from these countries will have to meet several conditions, including: start under a neutral flag. This decision outraged many European countries, including Poland. “It’s a scandal and a betrayal of the true spirit of sport,” wrote Mateusz Morawiecki on Twitter. Kamil Bortniczuk also became involved in the case, creating a strong axis of opposition with several countries, and as a group they intend to use various forms of pressure to change the approach of the IOC. Germany also wants to take specific steps in this regard.

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Germany has a plan to block Russian sport. “We refuse”

On Friday, a conference of sports ministers was held in Frankfurt am Main. During the meeting, the issue of the return of Russians to international competition was raised. Nancy Faeser expressed a clear position on this matter. The Federal Minister of the Interior stressed that she would try to prevent competitors from the invader country from taking part in competitions organized in Germany. He even has a plan.

– If the Ministry of Foreign Affairs agrees, we will refuse visas to Russian and Belarusian athletes who want to enter our country. Russia should not have a chance to use international events for propaganda purposes. After all, it is the state that encourages war,” Faeser said, quoted by Zeit.

She was echoed by Peter Beuth, Minister of the Interior of Hesse. – The sports ministers unanimously and clearly encourage and recommend the government to use the visa policy option. This is how you can prevent Russian and Belarusian players not only from entering our country, but also from participating in sports events in Europe – he said.

Federations are slowly succumbing to the IOC’s recommendation

Faeser mentioned the idea of ​​a visa ban a few weeks ago. It then encouraged other countries to do the same. – Countries hosting international competitions are not powerless. We can control the participation of Russians by issuing visas to them. (…) Offering a propaganda stage to a war criminal like Putin would betray all the values ​​of sport. The IOC must prevent this catastrophic signal, she appealed.

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And although more and more countries express their opposition, successive federations are slowly allowing Russians and Belarusians to compete. She did so, International Fencing Federation. The International Judo Federation followed suit. Further similar announcements may start to appear more often.

2023-05-12 22:22:00
#opposition #IOC #Germany #Sport.pl

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