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Geopolitics of Sports: ESFE Conference on the ‘Disneyification’ of Football

The Sports Training School (ESFE) has organized the conference «Multinational association of sports and entertainment: towards the “Disneyification” of football, within the II Conference Tour, by Xavier Ginesta, a professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Vic.

In his speech, Ginesta has explained the geopolitics of sports and redefined football clubs as “multinational enterprises of entertainment” in the era of globalization. In addition, he has focused on the main changes in the football industry at the beginning of the 21st century as large content producers who repeat the business model of large corporations such as Disney. At the same time, he has reflected on the great sports alliances with Amazon or Apple and the interest of Arab states in investing in the football industry.

The Sports Training School (ESFE) will continue the activity by holding, until October, other interesting sessions and conferences for professionals and students related to sports. The ESFE is a training project of the Universitat Jaume I with the main task of coordinating all training at university level related to the field of sports and healthy life: sports activities, health, management of sports organizations, legal aspects, marketing, communications, etc. .

2024-05-11 07:29:03
#Xavier #Ginesta #Football #clubs #entertainment #multinationals

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