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Generation Z’s Shift in Perceptions: Bill Gates and Tech Titans Among Most Admired Financial Success Stories

In an October survey, members of Generation Z (the generation born between 1996 and 2010) shared their opinions on the financial success stories they consider most inspiring. The poll revealed a significant shift in young people’s perceptions of success, highlighting pop figures and billionaire business moguls among their top three most admired public figures. Three of the richest men in the world, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos et Elon Muskfound themselves at the top of the list, but an unexpected surprise came to shake up the rankings.

The students surveyed drew their financial inspiration from across a range of industries, but they turned to a decidedly old-school figure when asked who they admired most as a financial success story: the founder of Microsoft, aged 68, Bill Gates. This demonstrates that young people’s vision of financial success is not limited to new trends, but also embraces the legacy of technology pioneers.

However, the tech sector remains a pillar of Gen Z’s admiration, with Tesla CEO Elon Musk coming in third. Musk, the world’s richest person, has captivated audiences with his bold moves, like acquiring Twitter and transforming it into the X app we know today. However, it is essential to note that despite its successes, the old Twitter suffered a considerable loss, losing almost $70 million per day in market value. This reality demonstrates that financial success can be fraught with ups and downs, even for titans of industry.

The ranking also reserved an unexpected place for Taylor Swift, the famous singer and songwriter. By securing fourth place, Taylor Swift proved that the entertainment world can compete with tech and financial giants when it comes to financial success. His meteoric rise in the music industry, coupled with his mastery of managing his career and music rights, has made him a source of inspiration for many young people. Swift thus embodies the idea that perseverance and talent can lead to exceptional financial success.

On the other hand, Warren Buffett, the Oracle of Omaha, and one of the most respected investors of all time, comes in fifth. His proven approach to long-term investing and financial wisdom make him a role model for those seeking stability and wealth growth. Despite his position in the rankings, Buffett remains an icon in the world of finance and continues to inspire younger generations to invest wisely. Below is the ranking:

Bill Gates – 50%

Jeff Bezos – 40%

Elon Musk – 35%

Taylor Swift-26%

Warren Buffett – 24%

Mark Zuckerberg – 22%

Oprah Winfrey – 16%

Beyoncé – 14%

Lebron James – 11%

Ryan Reynolds – 11%


Donald Trump – 9%

Kim Kardashian Ouest – 9%

Michael Bloomberg – 6%

Jay-Z – 5%

Martha Stewart – 5%

Kylie Jenner – 4%

Georges Soros – 2%

Jim Cramer – 1%

Howard Schultz – 1%
2023-11-04 14:50:41
#Famous #singer #beats #billionaires #ranking

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