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Gardens and corporate parties. Mining “beer after the shift” is responsible for the spread of the virus

The increase in coronavirus cases in the Karviná region is also due to the indiscipline of infected people who ignore the symptoms. This was stated by the Minister of Health Adam Vojtěch and the Chief Hygienist Jarmila Rážová.

According to Vojtěch, hygienists in the Karviná region have to deal with cases where people have symptoms of the disease and still go to a restaurant or a company party, for example. “If the party is nationwide, then the disease spreads to other regions,” Rážová described. According to her, the fact that most people have no or only mild symptoms also contributes to the frivolity of people.

On Sunday, the number of new cases increased to 305. One of the outbreaks of the disease is the OKD mines in the Karviná region, where hygienists register over 500 positive people.

According to Aleš Štětka, vice-chairman of the Association of Mining Unions, the measures in the company were set strictly enough. “But the problem is in the behavior of workers who go for a beer after the shift. And not only employees from OKD, but also other companies in the Karviná region. 200 people are sitting in the garden, taking off their veils and drinking beer, “Štětka described.

Another union member also describes a case where people gathered to celebrate the birth of a colleague’s descendant. “But if other companies in our region were tested extensively, I’m sure the numbers would look the same as in OKD,” added the trade unionist, who did not want to be named.

According to OKD spokeswoman Nadi Chattová, the company ensured all safety measures recommended by the regional hygiene. “We will not comment on the indiscipline of employees, that is a question for hygienists, we have taken all measures,” Chattová told Seznam Reports.

The company faces criticism that it should close the operation for health protection reasons or reduce the operation more. “They did not close the mine because they have measures to prevent a more massive spread,” said Chief Hygienist Rážová, adding that only 10% of people were positive during the company’s comprehensive testing. At the same time, however, she stated that some measures were violated. In addition, according to her, the virus spreads easily among miners, for example due to close contact, for example in a cage during mining.

New rules for Karviná and Frýdek-Místek

From 30 June until further notice, some measures are being tightened up in both regions. The state will ban visits to hospitals and social facilities. All patients will be tested, except those in need of acute care. A maximum of 100 people are allowed to take part in indoor and outdoor events – so far it has been 500. Veils will be mandatory for indoor mass events and public transport.

A maximum of 100 people also applies to the swimming pool. In addition, for smaller swimming pools, the restrictions may be even stricter, because according to the Ministry of Health, there can be only one visitor per ten square meters of area. Restaurants and bars will continue to have to close between 11 pm and 8 am, with the exception of the service window.


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