Home » today » Sport » Ganjar Pranowo Witnesses U-17 Soekarno Cup Kampung League Final in Jakarta

Ganjar Pranowo Witnesses U-17 Soekarno Cup Kampung League Final in Jakarta


Candidates for President (Bacapres) Ganjar Pranowo present at the Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium (GBK), Jakarta. Ganjar watched the final match of the U-17 Soekarno Cup Kampung League football tournament between Team South Sulawesi and Team Bali.

Monitoring detikcom, Friday (3/11/2023), Ganjar arrived at around 21.36 WIB. Ganjar was welcomed directly by the Secretary General of the DPP PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto and also a young PDIP cadre who is also the Regent of Trenggalek, Moch. Nur Arifin alias Gus Ifin.

Ganjar then headed to the SUGBK West VVIP stands to watch the match between Team South Sulawesi and Team Bali. The match has entered the second half.



Ganjar was also seen serving spectators who wanted to take selfies and shake hands with him. Ganjar was also shouted ‘president’ by the audience who had filled the GBK Stadium since this afternoon.

“Mr. Ganjar, president, is it possible to be this close to Mr. Ganjar,” shouted the audience.

Not only that, also present were the Chairman of the National Winning Team (TPN) Ganjar-Mahfud, Arsjad Rasjid and the Deputy Chairman of TPN Gatot Eddy Pramono and Eko Sulistyo.

Then, Deputy Chair of the Presidential Winning Volunteer Coordination Team (TKRRP), Adian Napitupulu, Chair of the PDIP DPP for Party Honors, Komarudin Watubun, General Chair of the Red and White Cadets (TMP) Hendrar Prihadi or Hendi.


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2023-11-03 16:03:56
#Watching #Final #Soekarno #Cup #Village #League #GBK #Ganjar #shouted #President

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