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Gabriela Soukalová went on a dream vacation. Her daughter bathed in the fountain

Gabriela Soukalová is a top athlete, but she herself is very well aware that motherhood is also a very difficult discipline. It is therefore not surprising that he also needs some rest. They went on two vacations with their partner and daughter Izabelka.

Biathlete Gabriela Soukalová is in one round. In addition to taking care of her ten-month-old daughter Izabelka, she is also busy hosting the Showtime show.

Gabriela recently compared motherhood to top sport. “I would say that taking care of the little one and managing my daily work duties is incomparably more demanding for me than when I was only taking care of myself with the aim of running some races,” she stated for Prima Women.

She was looking forward to a proper rest

Therefore, it is not surprising that the nice redhead sometimes wants to “break out” of the captured stereotype. Not long ago, she confided in the website Life in the Czech Republicthat she would really like a proper vacation.

“I would really like a vacation. Although maternity leave is also a holiday, it’s also great, but we haven’t been to the sea for a long time, we haven’t been able to completely switch off for a long time,” she explained.

Beautiful holiday

Her wish came true, even doubly so. In May, the whole family went on a trip to France, they liked it so much that they have now returned there.

Gabriela regularly adds travel experiences to hers instagram. And as you can see from the photos, her little daughter is really enjoying her vacation.

The daughter bathed in the fountain

On Thursday, for example, she added a photo in which the little daughter seemed to be trying to show the fountain. The little girl was so interested that she practically jumped into it.

“Hmm, this was significantly faster than I expected. Well, what’s up… It’s fun to bathe in a fountain like this, why not, right?” the athlete wrote with humor. Apparently, he has taken care of his entertainment on vacation.

Source: Life in the Czech Republic, Prima Women, Instagram

Author: Markéta Mladá

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