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G20. Ukraine: Failure of the West: Final statement does not mention crisis

by Enrico Oliari

For those who believe that the “international community” begins in Washington and ends in Brussels, the G20 summit that ended today in India was a failure. At least as regards the Ukrainian crisis, so much so that if the representative of Russia Sergei Lavrov claimed victory, the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky went into a rage.
For Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni “We aimed to have a final declaration that had specific reference to Ukraine”, but we had to fall back on a “very important compromise solution, the result of long and difficult work”.
In reality, what was broadcast in New Delhi was the political victory of Brics+, which includes India, China, Russia and Brazil (the next rotating president), and in the final declaration there was no condemnation of Russian aggression, indeed, Russia was not mentioned at all on the subject, and we were left with a generic invitation not to resort to arms to resolve international disputes.
For the Russian side, Sherpa Svetlana Lukash defined the final declaration as “very balanced”, while from Kiev it was announced that “a final declaration was issued in which there is nothing to be proud of”. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry observed that “if Ukraine had been invited, it would have allowed us to better understand the situation”, but already in recent weeks Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had categorically excluded the participation of the omnipresent Volodymyr Zelensly, simplifying that ” Ukraine is not part of the G20”.
In reality, the Ukrainian crisis continues to be seen as a war between NATO (which wants to incorporate Ukraine) and Russia (which does not want NATO on the borders), an issue that is becoming cumbersome and expensive also for the USA and the EU. And the world is not born in Washington and ends in Brussels: Brazilian President Lula has already made it known that his Russian colleague Vladimir Putin will be invited to the G20 2024 in Rio de Janeiro, and that he will be guaranteed immunity from the Court’s arrest warrant international criminal.

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