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Future of the International Space Station and Low Earth Orbit Research

KOMPAS.com – The International Space Station (ISS) is expected to cease operations by the end of this decade.

According to CNN, this space laboratory was launched in 2000. During its tenure to date, the ISS has hosted more than 200 astronauts from 19 different countries carrying out its missions.

Also read: First Time in History, NASA Lost Contact with the ISS

However, the probe will not continue to orbit Earth. In 2030, the ISS will retire. The question is what happens when the ISS stops operating?

Stop operating

Quoting NPR, ISS will continue to conduct research and develop technology until 2030.

After that, NASA operators will direct the ISS towards an area in the Pacific Ocean called the South Pacific Ocean Uninhabited Area known as Point Nemo in early 2031.

At that time the ISS will re-enter Earth’s atmosphere and fall into the water.

“This is the safest place to drop a large spacecraft that has reached the end of its useful life. It’s quite large, the length of a football field,” said space writer Mike Wall.

Point Nemo is the point in the ocean furthest from land and has been a watery grave for many other spacecraft.

This area is about 3,000 miles from the east coast of New Zealand and 3,000 miles north of Antarctica.

It is estimated that space exploring countries such as the US, Russia, Japan and European countries have sunk more than 263 pieces of space junk there since 1971.

Also read: International Space Station Retiring in 2031, What Will Be Replaced?

Furthermore, NASA said commercially operated space platforms would replace the ISS as a place for scientific collaboration and research.

“The private sector is technically and financially capable of developing and operating commercial low-Earth orbit destinations, with NASA’s assistance,” said NASA’s Phil McAlister.

“We look forward to sharing our learnings and operating experience with the private sector to help them develop safe, reliable and cost-effective space destinations,” he continued.

Unpreparedness of the private sector

But as the ISS approaches retirement, there are concerns that commercial alternatives won’t be ready in time.

As reported by Gizmodo, Wednesday (29/11/2023) NASA revealed that it may not be able to maintain human presence in low Earth orbit because private partners are competing to build a space station to replace the ISS.

In preparation for the ISS decommissioning in 2030, NASA allocated $415.6 million in Space Act Agreements to Axiom Space, Blue Origin, and Voyager Space as part of the Commercial Low Earth Orbit Destination program.

“Having more than one company in this stage of development, so that you’re not relying on just one provider, really increases the likelihood that there will be a replacement ready in time,” McAlister said.

Also read: Do Astronauts on the ISS Experience Day and Night Like on Earth?

For information, the ISS took almost 10 years to be built in Earth orbit through a series of 30 missions. Meanwhile, a private space station launch date of 2028 seems unrealistic.

Alternatively, NASA is also considering extending the life of the ISS beyond 2030, depending on the condition of the space station and the willingness of the space agency’s international partners to continue collaborating on the project.

“We are not obligated to stop flying the ISS by 2030. However, we fully intend to transition to a new platform when it becomes available,” said Ken Bowersox, NASA’s associate administrator for space operations.

Maintaining a presence in orbit

Maintaining a space station presence in low Earth orbit is critical, especially as there are plans for a return mission to the Moon and a future mission to Mars.

Astronauts can also carry out important research on space flight which can only be done in a microgravity environment.

But without a space station, this is quite difficult to do.

Also read: Facts about the International Space Station, Home of Astronauts

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2023-12-02 05:34:00
#International #Space #Station #Retires #Kompas.com

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