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Future of FC Nantes. What to remember from the Nantes bosses press conference.

Officialized this Friday, June 4, the “Nantes Collective”, which brings together Nantes bosses, including Philippe Plantive, one of the main sponsors of FC Nantes, but also former club players, including Mickaël Landreau, presented his project for the club , in the event of redemption.

Philippe Plantive, the boss of Proginov, one of the main sponsors of the FC Nantes, gave a press conference, this Friday June 4, at La Chevrolière (Loire Atlantique). At his side, Mickaël Landreau, former goalkeeper of FC Nantes, and Thibault François, of Fastea Capital.

The three men presented their project to support a takeover of FC Nantes. The objective: to raise funds for a minority entry into the club’s capital, in addition to a main buyer. If Waldemar Kita decides to sell. This majority shareholder remains to be found.

The creation of the “Nantes Collective”

“We took time, we analyzed things. In our opinion, it is up to the territory, which has vibrated in yellow and green for decades, to act. However, this territory is detached from the governance of the club. We wanted to create a company, the Nantes Collective. Those who will pledge for the Collective of Nantes will see their sums placed in escrow at Crédit Mutuel while awaiting the continuation of the project ”, announces Philippe Plantive.

The entry ticket for the Collective of Nantes is 100,000 €. “I know supporters who are fundraising. There is incredible maturity among our supporters. What they want is just to rediscover the pleasure of vibrating. “

A reflection initiated six months ago

“The reflection has been carried out for six months. An awareness in which the supporters played a real role ”, details Philippe Plantive. ” We see that sometimes the passion disappears, that the enthusiasm of the public disappears. And the values, at the heart of our discussions with the supporters, are no longer there. “

Several thousand euros raised

The names of the first partners and subscribers to the local investment fund were given: Millet menuisier, Artipole, Proginov, Pro laser (La Roche), Helena santé (Manche), Beillevaire (master cheese maker) and Fasta capital. With the support of Piveteau bois and Crédit mutuel. “We have already raised several million euros. ” Philip pe Plantive has a dream : “Be autonomous and succeed in raising 20 million euros. “

Mickaël Landreau is also in the game. The former club goalkeeper is one of the first subscribers to the project. ” With M ickaël Landreau, we really matched the vision we have of FC Nantes ”, indicates Philippe Plantive. “In each club I have been to, I have never been able to feel the same as I felt in my favorite club, FC Nantes”, explained the former goalkeeper of FC Nantes.

Gillet, Da Rocha, Savinaud …

Other former FC Nantes players are participating in the project: « I am a subscriber to this fundraiser. With other former players: Ouédec, Savinaud, Gillet, Da Rocha, Pignol… I also have permission from Suaudeau and Denoueix to talk about them. They validate the process “, says Mickaël Landreau.

The cry from the heart of Philippe Plantive

“We want to tell Waldemar Kita that this project is good for him. French football is at an impasse, and he has enormous pressure. He has my phone, he can call me ”, launched Philippe Plantive. ” Waldemar, if you can hear us, we want to tell you that this project is serious. What is the point of continuing to invest at a loss in FC Nantes? “

If Kita finds an investor on her side?

“If this man is not ready to discuss with the sacred territorial union, then we will leave him alone”, announces Philippe Plantive.

“A football club is not just about money. It is a project and values, above all. If Waldemar finds someone to set up his financial project, and if it is not in line with our values, with what the territory carries, it will be without us ”, abounds Mickaël Landreau. “The association À la Nantaise, they are real privileged supporters who are part of the history of FC Nantes. They have a special place in this project. “


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