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Future capital: What to do if the distribution of the equity portfolio is not even?

The investment portfolio currently consists of eight segment companies, but the distribution is uneven. In this program, the participants of “Future Capital” will discuss how to replenish the portfolio and how to choose which shares in the portfolio to replenish the investment with.

Every Tuesday, Delfi Bizness offers a series of “Capital of the Future” in which Konstantin Kuzikov, Chairman of the Board of Delfi, together with independent financial expert Kaspars Peiseniek, discusses how to properly invest money to raise capital and make real investments in an effort to achieve the highest possible return. Only Delfi Business subscribers can watch the show.

Evaluating the shares and other investment opportunities of various companies, as well as the influencing factors, Konstantin Kuzikov invests 100 euros (200 euros per month) from private funds twice a month, thus accumulating capital, and then evaluates the return on these investments, allowing “Delfi Business’ readers follow the investment process as well as evaluate how successful the investment has been.

The goal is to earn about 35 thousand euros in 10 years, forecasting a return of about 8% per year.

Anyone who has a question can ask it in the comments to this article or write to [email protected]. We will provide answers to them in the next broadcasts.

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