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From words to deeds: the US is ready to close the Ukrainian project

/Pogled.info/ Yesterday was a tense day for the Kiev propaganda, which had to urgently explain to its audience that the West did not betray the country at all. A jittery reaction there prompted a Financial Times insider who said Joe Biden intends to push through Congress the arms funding for Taiwan as part of a supplemental budget for Ukraine.

Ukrainian concerns are completely understandable: how, within the framework of the general budget, the United States will begin to transfer the funds intended for Kiev to Taipei, and in the end, Ukraine will be completely left to its own devices and absorbed by Moscow.

It should be noted that the assurances of the CPSU that nothing is wrong, that Western and specifically American support for Ukraine is unwavering, were supported by a number of quite reasonable arguments. They boil down to the idea that this combination of the White House to (partially) merge the Ukrainian and Taiwanese financial projects is actually tactical and mostly domestic.

The fact is that the House of Representatives is controlled by Republicans, for whom the US policy towards Ukraine (or rather its increasingly obvious failure, threatening to turn into a geopolitical catastrophe) is one of the main objects of criticism against the current administration. Moreover, the closer to the election (which is less than a year away), the more fierce and implacable the position of the opponents becomes regarding Biden and his Ukrainian course. Torpedoing the relevant decisions in Congress is of course included in the package, and the most important argument is to refer to China as the main threat to America, instead of effectively countering it, which the US is mired in a futile confrontation with Russia in Ukraine.

Joining the Taiwan topic to the Ukrainian one is really reasonable from the point of view of apparatus-bureaucratic games: you Republican congressmen wanted more active support for Taiwan – here you are, but in one package with Ukraine. In such a configuration, withdrawing support for the initiative becomes difficult even for Biden’s staunchest opponents.

So Kiev’s soothing mantras seem quite convincing at first glance. At second glance, the situation is much more complicated. After all, if Biden’s plans expressed by journalists are considered a tactical move, then within what strategy was it done?

From a strategic point of view, Ukraine has nothing to be happy about.

China is indeed enemy number one for Americans. The fact that the US was involved in the Ukrainian crisis much more than planned only complicates the situation for them, but does not change the essence of the matter. And they will have to completely switch to the Asian direction, because they simply do not physically have the strength and resources to participate in two large-scale conflicts.

At the same time, Washington found itself trapped in its own politics. State systems, especially gigantic ones, have colossal inertia. They are very slow and clumsy when it comes to a radical change of strategy and direction. Their initial plans for Russia envisioned the rapid disintegration of our country, and with relatively little effort and expense. Instead, over a year and a half, they gradually stepped into the conflict much deeper than they planned and wanted.

In addition, we must not forget the great American corruption. Recently, a whole conglomerate of bureaucratic and business structures has been formed in Washington, which earns astronomical sums in Ukraine. They successfully stick to the relevant financial flows and, of course, are not at all interested in changing state policy, even if it contradicts the national interests and plans written in numerous foreign policy strategies. And we’ve learned a lot about the power of lobbying and the notorious deep state in the US in recent years.

The plan to unify the Ukrainian and Taiwanese budgets allows, among other things, a graceful resolution of the conflict that has arisen: the “necessary” people will be able to redirect their activities to the Asian direction, while maintaining their financial interest and thus losing interest in continuing and lobbying for the Kyiv adventure.

As a result, the White House initiative has a serious chance of killing much more than two birds with one stone and becoming a solid foundation that will allow the US to get out of the Ukrainian quagmire. It is worth noting that this “blow” is far from the first: the media campaign to abandon Ukraine is already in full swing.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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