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from green tea to cooked tomato, the five shield foods that reduce risk

The antioxidants present in different foods, from green tea to cooked tomatoes, through red fruits, grapes and pomegranate, they can really make a difference in preventing prostate canceropening a new scenario also as a support to therapy, reducing its toxicity and helping to block the progression of the disease.


Within a diet balanced, even supplements can have a preventive and protective role in the male population at risk, if prescribed by the andrologist by identifying the right product and the correct dose, for maximum effectiveness and minimum side effects. By the experts of the Italian Society of Andrology (Sia), gathered in Rome on the occasion of the National Congress, recommendations arrive regarding the use of antioxidants, which shed light on the approaches that have shown greater efficacy.

According to the conclusions of the experts, who have analyzed and thoroughly described the scientific literature on the subject, the most solid evidence concerns some foods that contain substances with antioxidant and antiproliferative action, such as epigallocatechins, lycopene, resveratrol and recently pterostilbene, with a advantageous balance between efficacy and safety.

“The prostate cancer, with 36 thousand new cases a year – explains Alessandro Palmieri, president of Sia and professor of Urology at the Federico II University of Naples – represents the most frequent cancer of the male population in Italy. Early on the carcinoma of the prostate is generally totally asymptomatic, therefore early diagnosis, which is associated with a cure rate of 90%, is only possible through screening which include a prostate antigen (Psa) test and a visit to the specialist, as well as imaging techniques such as ultrasound and magnetic resonance. The absence of specific early symptoms in patients with prostate cancer forces us to develop targeted and effective prevention strategies ».

«It is essential – Palmieri underlines – to become aware of the main factors of risk, such as having a family history of prostate cancer, advanced age and lifestyle, such as diet. It is proven that the intake of excessive amounts of alcohol, fat saturated, milk derivatives, may play a role in the genesis of this neoplasm, but scientific research over the years has always tried to identify drugs or natural products capable of preventing the onset of prostate cancer, if administered to individuals at greater risk or to those patients who already had precancerous lesions, with a very high probability of developing prostatic neoplasia ». “A lot of research has highlighted the preventive power of many compounds of natural origin”, explains Davide Arcaniolusmember of the Scientific Commission of the SIA and researcher in Urology at the University of Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitellì.

“The most studied are undoubtedly epigallocatechins and lycopene, substances with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action, contained in large quantities mainly in green tea and tomato. In a clinical study on a group of subjects at high risk of prostate cancer (because with precancerous lesions) it was found that those who regularly took epigallocatechins derived from green tea saw the risk of getting sick reduced by 60% compared to those who took only one substance placebo. The risk can be reduced by up to 80% with an intake of these substances for two consecutive years ».

Even the lycopene, contained in large quantities in tomatoes, represents another active principle widely studied in prevention strategies. In a meta-analysis of 42 studies with the observation of nearly 700,000 participants, a protective effect of lycopene was shown to be superior to most other compounds, except for green tea.

“Dietary intake is limited by low intestinal absorption, which is facilitated when the tomato is cooked – explains Arcaniolo – Clinical studies have shown that the reduction in the incidence of prostate cancer is reduced proportionally to the intake of lycopene and its concentrations in the blood. The risk reduction varies from 12% for all types of prostate cancer up to 26% for the most aggressive cancers ».

New studies have shown the particular effectiveness of resveratrol, especially contained in grapes, not only as a preventive action against prostate cancer but also as a support to anti-tumor treatments due to the very high antioxidant potential that acts both in the initial state of cancer, through blocking factors, and in the more advanced state through suppression factors that they hold back its progression. “Only recently another substance, the Pterostilbenean antioxidant similar to the resveratrol of red wine and present in various foods, from blueberries to peanuts – Palmieri reports – has in turn shown preventive properties in a study just published in Cancer Prevention Research ».

«A key role, as a support to the treatment of prostate cancer, also plays the ellagic acid contained in melograno. A study published in ‘European Urology‘demonstrated a reduction in chemotherapy-induced toxicity, particularly neutropenia in patients with hormone-refractory prostate cancer. Of course, these natural components are more effective when taken together in supplements, synergistically enhancing their effect up to three times and thus opening a new scenario. There are more and more andrology who prescribe supplements to their high-risk patients with very effective results. However – Palmieri notes – we must pay the utmost attention to supplements, which must be prescribed by the specialist to identify the right type of product for each patient, with the right methods of use, so that the correct dose is not too low and therefore ineffective. but not too high and therefore at risk of side effects ».

«Finally, it must be remembered that the supplements they are not a panacea but must be accompanied by a healthy diet and lifestyle: for this reason the value of antioxidants as preventive and supportive of prostate cancer treatments is such only in the context of an andrological evaluation that indicates the ‘most appropriate use’, conclude Palmieri and Arcaniolo.

Last updated: Sunday 10 April 2022, 19:39


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