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Frequent coughing up blood can be a symptom of lung cancer!

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SULSELEKSPRES.COM Lung cancer shows the growth of abnormal cells in the lungs. This condition can occur for many reasons, smoking is one of the most common causative factors.

No wonder if active smokers are more at risk of experiencing this health problem.

Even so, don’t ignore exposure to cigarette smoke even if you don’t smoke. The reason is, exposure to cigarette smoke that enters your respiratory tract will make you also become a passive smoker.

Unfortunately, passive smokers also have the same high risk of lung cancer as people who actively smoke.

In addition to the bad habit of smoking, several other things that also increase the risk of lung cancer in a person, namely:

  • There is a family history of similar medical conditions.
  • Often exposed to air pollution.
  • Live or work in areas with high chemical exposure.
  • Have had treatment with radiotherapy.

Coughing up blood is one of the symptoms of lung cancer

If you experience coughing up blood, let alone quite often, you should not take it lightly. The reason is, coughing up blood can be one of the symptoms of lung cancer, and of course this is a serious and dangerous condition.

When you cough up blood, generally blood will come out of the body along with phlegm. This condition occurs due to the emergence of problems in the respiratory tract, for example, there is damage to certain organs in the respiratory tract. In fact, coughing up blood is not an early sign of lung cancer, but a sign that cancer cells have invaded other parts or organs of the body.

Usually, coughing up blood that causes lung cancer can appear with various other conditions. You may experience a chronic cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, chest pain when breathing, weight loss, fatigue, and repeated respiratory infections.

Lung Cancer Treatment Options

Many treatment options for lung cancer are available. However, usually, each type of treatment will be tailored to the patient’s overall condition, including physical health, age, type of cancer, to the location of the cancer cells. Treatment options include:

Surgery can be done when lung cancer is still in its early stages, either stage 1 or 2. This procedure is done to remove cancer cells in the affected part of the lung. Not only that, surgery is also performed to prevent the spread of cancer cells to other parts of the body.

If it has entered an advanced stage, chemotherapy treatment is usually recommended to help kill cancer cells. This procedure is done using chemical drugs, it can also be done before the sufferer performs surgery. The goal is of course to shrink the size of the cancer cells so that they are easier to remove.

The next treatment procedure is radiotherapy, which uses very high energy energy to remove cancer cells. Not only that, radiotherapy can also help relieve pain and discomfort that arise when lung cancer has progressed to an advanced stage.

The last is targeted therapy, done if chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment is not able to provide maximum results. Targeted therapy is more often recommended for people with advanced lung cancer.

So, what can be done to prevent it? Of course not smoking and as much as possible avoid exposure to cigarette smoke and exposure to other air pollution. Always wear a mask when you have to go outside. Apply a healthy lifestyle and diet, get enough rest, and be less stressed. (Halodoc)

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