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Frequent cough at night?, Don’t ignore it, here are 4 special features of asthma disease symptoms

TRIBUNJABAR.ID, BANDUNGAsthma is a condition in which the body experiences abnormalities in the form of chronic inflammation of the airways causing the airways to narrow, resulting in recurring episodic symptoms such as wheezing (breathing noise), shortness of breath, chest tightness and cough which occurs mainly at night.

Quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Health, although up to now we still do not know for sure about the causes of asthma, but it is important for us to know the characteristics of asthma.

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Because asthma is not only a genetic disease but can also occur when we are adults.

characteristic symptoms Asthma

The following are special features that appear together with asthma symptoms in adults, these include:

1. It often arises when there is a trigger

2. It can be repeated and in between there is a period without attacks

3. Often worse at night or early in the morning

4. Can be relieved with treatment and can sometimes subside without treatment

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With the above characteristics, it is very likely that we will experience asthma symptoms.

For this reason, check immediately with the nearest health facility to get the treatment and also the necessary drugs as soon as possible.

Continue to apply healthy lifestyle behaviors and stay alert with severe asthma attacks.

Immediately visit the nearest health facility if there are symptoms that are aggravating and cannot be reduced by commonly used medications

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