Home » today » News » Freiburg: “Europe lives solidarity” – Virtual European Week around the “70th Europe Day” (May 9th) also in Freiburg

Freiburg: “Europe lives solidarity” – Virtual European Week around the “70th Europe Day” (May 9th) also in Freiburg

Special times require special measures. Since this is not
the time of public events is taking place in the 70th anniversary year
of Europe Day on Saturday, May 9th, many actions take place digitally.
The Europe Direct Information Center Freiburg provides information about this.

The virtual European Week wants people to participate, to
Discuss and think about Europe’s future and about
Celebrate 75 years of joint celebration of peace in the EU.
Now that borders are closing to contain the pandemic,
it is important to set common signals for Europe. So
organizes the representation of the European Commission in
Germany with the European Information Office
Parliament this year on May 9th a virtual Europe Day.

Under the motto “Europe lives solidarity” should be about EU priorities
to be discussed in and after the corona crisis. A virtual music stage links to concerts and musical contributions, among other things. out
Paris and Rome, interested people can take an online quiz
Test your knowledge of Europe and win prizes. additional Information
are on www.erlebnis-europa.eu.

Representation of the European Commission and the
The European Parliament Liaison Office accompanies the
Europe Day with its partners across Europe on all social media
Channels under the hashtags #EuropeDay, #EUSolidarity and
# Europe against Covid19. The virtual one takes place in Baden-Württemberg
European week around May 9 under the leadership of
Ministry of Justice and for Europe; there are hands-on activities and online debates. More information at www.justiz-bw.de.

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