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Free Vaccinations for Children in Eindhoven and Helmond Region: MMR/DTP, HPV, and Meningococcus

More than 43,000 children (from 9 years old) from the Eindhoven and Helmond region will receive an invitation from September 19 for their free vaccinations for MMR/DTP, HPV and Meningococcus.

GGD Brabant-Zuidoost vaccinates children in the period from October 2 to November 2 at a vaccination location nearby.

All eligible children will receive an invitation from the RIVM by post over several rounds.

Who will receive an invitation?

• MMR/DTP: all children born between July 1 and December 31, 2014.

• HPV: all young people born in 2013, 2011, 2010, 2007 and 2005.

• Meningococcal ACWY: all young people born in 2009 who missed their vaccination in the spring.

GGD has a sampling location nearby

Inge Soetens, program coordinator of the national vaccination program at GGD Brabant-Zuidoost, says: “Children receive an invitation by post from the RIVM two weeks in advance. The mail comes in two rounds: mid-September and mid-October. The campaign itself runs from October 2 to November 2. We start with the municipalities of Reusel, Geldrop, Best, Veldhoven and Gemert. In the following week we will be in Deurne, Eersel, Valkenswaard, Eindhoven and Asten. After the autumn holidays we will still be in Budel, Helmond and Eindhoven.

Please arrive at the suggested time

Janneke Buissink, also program coordinator, adds: “We ask you to arrive at the time stated in your letter. It remains a logistical puzzle and you help us so much. Can you really not come? Then you are welcome at the walk-in moment on October 20 or November 2 at Antoon Coolenlaan 5 in Eindhoven. Check out our website www.ggdbzo.nl for current times”.

Children from the same family

Sometimes several children in one family are eligible for a shot. They can come and get the shot at the same time and choose one of the times stated in the letter. It is not necessary to call for this. Parents and children can come to the injection location together.

2023-09-19 07:10:45
#GGD #BrabantZuidoost #starts #group #vaccinations #DTP #MMR #HPV #Meningococcus

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