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Former Residents of Spinach Village Agree to Move to Nagrak Flats


Polemic from former residents Spinach Village who stays close Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) finally found common ground. Residents are willing to move to Nagrak Flats after an agreement with the Papanggo Village Head was agreed.

News about the end of problems related to residents Spinach Village This was initially conveyed by the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono to journalists at City Hall, Central Jakarta, Monday (25/9/2023). Heru said that residents who previously refused to be relocated to several flats are now said to have accepted the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government’s offer.

“No (not refusing to be relocated). Yesterday we went to the field (dialogue) with them (residents of the former Kampung Bayam),” said Heru.

He said that the residents of Kampung Bayam were said to have been invited to survey two flats, namely the Muara Angke Flats in Penjaringan and the Nagrak Flats in Cilincing. Heru said that the residents of Kampung Bayam who are currently still living under tents around JIS are willing to be relocated to the two flats.

“Ask for the flat. It has been (coordinated). The sub-district head has also coordinated,” he said.

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government previously also ensured that residents of the former Kampung Bayam who were willing to move into flats would not be charged rental rates. So far, the DKI Provincial Government has prepared tower 3 Nagrak Flats for residents of the former Kampung Bayam.

The free rate is applied because DKI Jakarta is still enforcing Governor’s Regulation (Pergub) Number 61 of 2020 concerning Providing Relief from Regional Retributions and/or Removing Administrative Sanctions for Retribution Recipients Affected by the 2019 Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) National Disaster. The gubernatorial regulation stipulates that rental fees for flats in Jakarta are free.

“Rent fees for flat residents are currently still free because DKI Provincial Government Regulation Number 61 of 2021 has not been revoked, meaning it is still in effect,” said Head of the UPRS III Services Satlak, Faisal Rahman in a written statement, Saturday (23/9).

Read more on the next page.


2023-09-26 13:32:31

#Adem #Ayem #polemic #among #residents #Kampung #Bayam

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