Undated picture by former National Councilor Bernhard Müller. (Archive picture)
Müller gained the most prominence in the canton of Bern and also from 1974 to 1990 as an economic director. From 1979-1987 he was also a member of the National Council.
Müller was a mountain farmer’s son from Scharnachtal BE and has been committed to the cause of the Tibetans since his youth. He did not want to come to terms with the subjugation of Tibet by China. His professional path led the later behavioral biologist and economist to Nepal, Tibet and China as experts and heads of valley development and agricultural projects. In 2017, Müller received the Swiss Human Rights Award from the International Society for Human Rights (Section Switzerland).
With a smile, Müller once noted that his commitment even made his way into the Guinness book, as a world record holder with the most meters of altitude covered above 3000 meters.
The occupation of Tibet by China cost the life of a million Tibetans, as Müller always recalled in various books and lectures. Müller was particularly sharply flagged against the authorities in his own country for washing politics and diplomacy towards China on the Tibet issue.
Müller was in contact both with the Dalai Lama and with high Chinese officials. He never let go of his vision of a free Tibet, as he insured for the rest of his life.