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Former Girl Group Member Kim Si-won Announces Retirement After Threatening Actor Lee Byung-hun: What Led to Her Controversial Exit from Broadcasting

Article entered 2024-01-07 14:29:11
Article modified 2024-01-07 14:29:11

“After 6 years of broadcasting, I was very tired due to many reasons.”
“The last letter and notice… “I will never come back again”
Former girl group member, Lee Byung-hun threatens to pay 5 billion won… 1 year in prison
Afreeca TV BJ since 2018, last year’s star balloon ‘2.4 billion won’

BJ Kim Si-won, an Internet broadcaster from the girl group Idol Glam and who was sentenced to prison for threatening actor Lee Byung-hun, announced his retirement from broadcasting on the 5th. Instagram capture

BJ Kim Si-won, an Internet broadcaster from the girl group Idol Glam and who was sentenced to prison for threatening actor Lee Byung-hun, announced his retirement from broadcasting on the 5th.

Kim Si-won announced this through the bulletin board of his Afreeca TV ‘I’m Kim Si-won’ on this day.

She revealed three photos of handwritten letters and said, “It will soon be 6 years since the broadcast. “May 1st was her 6th anniversary and last broadcast,” she said. “Some people may have expected it to some extent because I often show myself having a hard time.”

He continued, “It’s funny to say that it’s the last broadcast, and I think it’s ridiculous to try to decide the end, but it ended like this. Due to some overlapping reasons, too many things happened at once, so I was a little tired.”

He said, “It was very difficult to create a repetitive situation where people I was once good with and people I was thankful for later ended up blaming me,” and added, “There may be people who are curious about those things, but I will never explain them. “I want to stop like that, remembering only the good things,” he said.

She said, “This will be my last letter and announcement. Now I just want to express my gratitude to everyone and leave. “I will never come back,” she said.

Kim Si-won worked under the name ‘Dahee’ in the girl group Glam in 2012, but in 2014, they demanded 5 billion won from him under the pretext of recording a video of him drinking with Lee Byung-hun and others.

Accordingly, she was sentenced to one year in prison in the first trial and one year in prison and two years of probation in the second trial on charges of attempted extortion, including threats.

Since then, she has been working as a BJ on Afreeca TV since 2018 and received the Afreeca TV BJ grand prize for two consecutive years.

According to the industry, it is estimated that she earned about 2.4 billion won last year from star balloon profits.

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