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Former Deputy Minister of PSI Supports Anies as a Presidential Candidate

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Indonesian Solidarity Party politician (PSI) and former Deputy Minister of ATR/BPN Surya Tjandra admitted to supporting the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan run as a presidential candidate.

Surya Tjandra’s attitude is contrary to the official position of the party which is reluctant to support Anies as a presidential candidate in 2024.

Surya assessed that Anies had the capacity to become president. He had seen Anies’ performance while leading the capital.



“From the available options, personally I feel Pak Anies. From some of these, I have to admit that Pak Anies has the ability to have the capacity, he proved it when he was working as the Governor of DKI, at least, and if this can be done, scale up Jakarta-1 to Indonesia-1,” said Surya on the YouTube channel Total Politics which aired Wednesday (27/7).

For him, Anies has the ability to handle agrarian issues in Jakarta. Surya admitted that he knew that during his tenure as Deputy Minister of ATR/BPN. He also believes that Anies can continue various Agrarian-related programs that have been made by President Jokowi.

“The issue of agrarian reform was a big dream from the founders of the republic in the past, and only Pak Jokowi continued, making regulations, making a task force and this must be continued, and it feels [Anies] can,” he said.

Surya Tjandra does not care about the difference in his current aspirations with PSI. It is known, there is no name of Anies in the People’s Consultation program made by PSI to capture the aspirations of the 2024 presidential candidate.

He said that PSI definitely believed in the meritocratic system, so that his aspirations were in line with the spirit brought by PSI.

“PSI does believe in meritocracy. We will adopt what is right and good. We work from there. And I am not different from PSI, this is a personal aspiration, when I served as Deputy Minister I interacted with Mr. Anies, with others, I saw what was real I experienced it myself and I heard it myself. My experience is very personal as a Deputy Minister,” he said.

In fact, Surya also admitted that he was ready if Anies asked him to become the winning team if he wanted to run for President. However, this depends on Anies’ own decision whether to recruit him or not.

“It depends on Mr. Anies, does he feel the need or not? [kalau dia perlu] okay, as part of the contribution that can be given,” he said.

Previously, PSI official Grace Natalie stated that her party would not support Anies Baswedan if he ran for the 2024 presidential election.

He said PSI only supports anti-corruption figures.

“It is very clear that PSI will not support Mas Anies in the 2024 presidential election. We adhere to the principles of anti-intolerance and anti-corruption. So, it is impossible for us to support candidates who have problems with two or one of these principles,” said politician who is also a PSI official, Grace Natalie. quoted on the Twitter account, DPP PSI.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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