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Forgotten vegetables: what is romanesco and how to prepare it – Culinary Ambiance

Serving broccoli or cauliflower as an evening meal, you probably always taste it during the winter. To get a little more creative and to experiment with new ingredients, you prefer to work with romanesco. We tell you in detail what romanesco is and how you can easily prepare this yellow turret cauliflower at home.

You can regularly find broccoli and cauliflower on the dining table, but have you ever had romanesco shoved under your nose? Romanesco is closely related to broccoli and cauliflower, but not nearly as popular. Incomprehensible, because if you look closely at and taste the vegetable, miraculously there is nothing bad to say. The cabbage variety looks particularly beautiful and with its distinct taste it enchants you in a few seconds. Did we trigger you to discover romanesco? Read all about it here.

Wat is romanesco?

Before you know what romanesco tastes like, what nutritional value it has and how to prepare it perfectly, you should first discover what makes the vegetable so special. Romanesco comes from the same family as cauliflower and broccoli, but turns out not to be nearly as appreciated. With its typical greenish-yellow, spiral-shaped florets, you will certainly like this vegetable very much, because it owes its beauty to its extraordinary growth habit and leaf position. In summary: maybe romanesco is just too pretty to eat?

Milder, fresher and sweeter in taste

The main thing is over: you know what romanesco is and what it looks like. So yes, you will undoubtedly recognize the vegetable from miles away in the supermarket. Whether romanesco suits you well and you actually want to put it in your shopping cart on the way home is another question. Even though romanesco belongs to the broccoli and cauliflower family, you cannot place the taste of this beautiful turret cauliflower under the same heading. Romanesco tastes milder, fresher, sweeter and brings a slightly nutty touch to every dish. With all these qualities listed, it is the ideal vegetable to use in a summer salad.

Interesting nutritional value

And that’s not all: the laundry list of benefits just keeps getting longer and longer. Romanesco not only tastes very good and not only looks nice, it is also extremely healthy. After all, the vegetable is packed with vitamins, minerals, trace elements, fibres, proteins and antioxidants. At the same time, romanesco contains only 20 to 30 kilocalories per 100 grams. All the more reason to add it to your lunch or dinner.

Roman dialectPrepare romanesco floury

We’d like to add some good news: you don’t have to be a kitchen prince to prepare this vegetable at home. All you need is a large portion of patience and attention. Not because you might be quite clumsy, but because the roses are very sensitive. As soon as the green-yellow turrets break, you will not get the colorful, desired effect on your board. How do you prevent them from breaking? With a sharp knife you gently loosen all the florets from bottom to top. You can cut large towers in half if you want. Before you start cooking, stir-frying or steaming them, rinse everything neatly under the tap. There you go, now the real work can begin. Good luck!


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