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Foreign, Ukraine | Ukraine’s ambassador must leave Berlin after massive reactions: Now he is being promoted

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The 46-year-old professional diplomat became a German super-celebrity overnight. Barely had the first Russian shot fired at Kyiv, so Andrij Melnyk sat in the daily debate programs and fired about the lack of German help and solidarity. “Shut up,” became a relatively common advice to opponents.

But Melnyk also did not go to great lengths to call Angela Merkel’s former adviser a “pathetic loser”. “Pseudo-intellectual subordinates”, was his characteristic of German “philosophers” who wrote letters to the Chancellor and begged that Olaf Scholz had to bring about a ceasefire and negotiations between the parties. They could go back to the professor’s offices and sit there and buzz with their worldly whims, Melnyk hissed.

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The Minister of Defense’s nightmare

If the German defense minister claimed that she had done everything in her power to organize weapons aid to Ukraine, Christine Lambrecht had to reckon that it would not be more than 20 minutes before she had Andrij Melnyk on her neck. Several times he was able to hang the minister to dry, after proving that she was lying about both alleged deliveries and German opportunities to contribute. It does not often happen that a foreign ambassador almost recommends the hosts to make key changes in the government. But there was little doubt that Melnyk wanted Olaf Scholz to do just THAT.

Asbjørn Svarstad

Asbjørn Svarstad started writing in the local newspaper Dagningen, was for a few years connected to VG. From 1987 Dagbladet’s stringer in Copenhagen. Has lived permanently in Berlin since 1996 where he has worked for various Scandinavian media. Works mostly with historical feature articles, political commentary and is an authorized guide in Sachsenhausen.

The chancellor himself had to be characterized as an “offended meat pudding”, because Olaf Scholz used the Ukrainian rejection of a Steinmeier visit as an explanation that he was the last European head of state who had not visited President Volodomy Zelenskyj .

Not grateful

The noise level around Andrij Melnyk was at times violent and the temperature high. But for an outsider, there was never any doubt about what the man was doing. He acted according to the most fundamental principles of good propaganda. And it worked, for many Germans were provoked to go on the limp.

Inside the Social Democratic Party (SPD), he became – without ANYONE wanting to talk about it publicly – a persona non grata. The further out on the party’s traditionally pacifist wing they are, the less they had left over for the Ukrainian troublemaker.

But it did not matter, because Andrij Melnyk knew very well that there were many of us who pricked up our ears and rubbed our hands, when he clinked with his words of truth. Then we had to take the insults and the less diplomatic outcomes with us. Because he was basically right every time a verbal bomb was detonated.


Last week, however, the fun came to an abrupt end. It is no secret that Melnyk visited compatriot Stepan Bandera’s grave in Munich, as one of the first things he did after – in 2014 – landing as a new ambassador. When he was confronted during an interview with the fact that Bandera was not only a nationalist freedom fighter – but also a cruel fascist and mass murderer with tens of thousands – maybe hundreds of thousands – of Jews and Poles on his conscience, Melnyk rejected this as Soviet / Russian propaganda. No one has managed to find documentation that Stepan Bandera really gave such orders or had such attitudes, the ambassador claimed.

Skitstorm is just the first name of the bridal oil that followed. The Polish government protested loudly – and wondered about such a move right now. EVERYONE knows that Bandera is one of the worst villains in the country’s history. And while almost four million Ukrainians are well taken care of by the Poles, does the ambassador in Berlin find it appropriate to pay tribute to HIM?

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The Israeli ambassador came quickly, and so did the Jewish organizations in Germany. Professional historians from all over the world reported that all recent research points out Bandera as a nasty guy – and one who even 80 years after the war can not be used as a role model and / or historical hero and role model.


On the whole, it quickly became clear that Andrij Melnyk had yawned too loudly and that this time there was no question of any absolution. So it came as no great surprise when the Ukrainian government’s reaction ticked in. Poles and Jews were nicely apologized and the Poles were stroked with their hair in the form of a half-page assurance of gratitude and eternal friendship. Melnyk’s views on Bandera are not consistent with the Ukrainian government’s positions – and solely the ambassador’s private opinion, it said.

The most injured Germans soon came on the scene by stating that NOW Melnyk OMSIDER is a finished man in the diplomatic industry. Implied – NOW there will finally be peace to be had – and hopefully a new ambassador who knows a little more about politeness and common manners than the hated lip from Kyiv.


On Monday this week, the confirmation came that Andrij Melnyk will return to his home country after eight years of service in Berlin. AND that the recall in no way means any punishment or degradation. On the contrary, he is appointed new Deputy Foreign Minister.

These are Nettavisen’s columnists

In Ukraine, Melnyk is given the credit for having caused so much uproar that the responsible Germans have actually gained momentum in relation to delivering weapons that the Ukrainians have long been promised.

So the Germans can only begin to rejoice. For the future, they must assume that the insults come from the Ukrainian capital – and not from the Ukrainian embassy in Berlin. But the tone will probably be the same.

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