Home » today » World » For this Friday they declare the first Environmental Alert of the year – 2024-05-10 07:16:24

For this Friday they declare the first Environmental Alert of the year – 2024-05-10 07:16:24

The Presidential Delegation of O’Higgins preventively declared the first Environmental Alert of the year, for this Friday, May 10, in the 17 communes that make up the Saturated Zone of the Atmospheric Decontamination Plan (PDA) of the central valley of O’Higgins. ‘Higgins.

As a novelty this year, the prohibition on the use of firewood is total, that is, during the occurrence of critical episodes, it does not matter as in previous years that the device is certified by the SEC, and next year the decontamination plan contemplates a total prohibition of its use. of firewood every day. Only pellet heaters certified by the SEC may be used.

In addition, the Seremi de Educación points out that physical and sporting activity of Moderate intensity may be carried out in closed areas, avoiding prolonged or very intense physical efforts, for the entire school community in the saturated area.

For its part, the SEREMI of Sports indicates that the measure in case of alert can be carried out Physical activity of Moderate intensity, avoiding prolonged or very intense physical efforts, in closed areas. The activities linked to the National System of Sports Competitions (SNCD) are carried out at all events.
Furthermore, the operation of wood or coal-fired boilers is prohibited, unless they demonstrate PM emissions of less than 30 mg/m³N.

The Presidential Delegate of the O’Higgins Region, Fabio López assured that “inspection will be reinforced in order to enforce critical episode measures effectively” we must all be part of these environmental emergencies, prevention and awareness. “It is fundamental in improving the air quality of our communes and region, firewood, which is a determining factor, hopefully can be replaced to heat the homes of these 17 communes involved.”

For her part, the Seremi of the Environment, Giovanna Amaya, explained that “to protect the health of the inhabitants, an environmental alert is declared preventively for this Friday, May 10. Firewood is the main source of air pollution, it generates particulate matter, which could cause or aggravate respiratory problems in risk groups, therefore, the call to citizens is to prefer clean and environmentally friendly heating systems. atmosphere”.

The measures apply for the duration of the environmental episode, that is, for 24 hours in the 17 communes that make up the Saturated Zone for respirable particulate matter MP 10: Rancagua, Graneros, Doñihue, El Olivar, Coltauco, Coinco, Quinta de Tilcoco, San Vicente, Placilla, Mostazal, Codegua, Machalí, Malloa, Rengo, Requínoa, San Fernando and Chimbarongo.

To make complaints about the use of wood-burning devices on an environmental episode day, you must call or write via WhatsApp to the number +56989036974 of the Seremi de Salud O’Higgins.

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