Home » today » World » For the Bulgarian teacher – Hats off! – 2024-02-14 06:28:09

For the Bulgarian teacher – Hats off! – 2024-02-14 06:28:09

/ world today news/ On the Day of the People’s Awakeners, which is approaching, we celebrate the great work of the Bulgarian educators, writers and revolutionaries from the Renaissance, the Liberation until today.
I know, there will be ceremonial meetings, speeches and processions.

But is that enough?

Today, our spiritual people, the sowers of knowledge and enlightenment, the educators of new generations live a difficult and often unfairly evaluated life.
We owe them support and understanding. Or, as the bright talent of the word – Stefan Prodev says:
“For this humble but great man, without whom we are unthinkable. Without whom Bulgaria would be orphaned. And would forget the word that lifts her up.

Hats off!

And a bow. The BULGARIAN TEACHER is our hope. None other than he will leave us in time. Politicians, parties, businessmen will come and go, but he will stay to watch over us. The temple is his”.

The fate of VII SU “Naiden Gerov” – Varna is not indifferent to me, because both my sons received their education there, for which I thank you. Today, the school needs immediate help to complete a badly planned and even worse financed renovation from the municipal government of GERB in Varna.
And our children have been suffering for more than two years.

As the mayor of Primorski district, I will be uncompromising in solving this backwater problem if you vote for me on October 29.

I WILL WORK to create a learning environment that meets modern standards. To equalize the material conditions in all schools, because the great division in our society starts from the school rank, which is one for the “elite school” and another for the ordinary one.

And, for the teacher, “for the patriot and public figure, pressed by the social cross. Disregarded by those he taught. Forgotten and chased by politicians and mayors.

Hats off!”

For VARNA as it can be!
Bulletin 28, preference 105 in the lists for municipal councilors and mayor of Primorski district.
I am Januariy Vichev and I am a representative of the “Left View” Movement in “Levitsa”.

Buying and selling votes is a crime!

#Bulgarian #teacher #Hats

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