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For Moms and Everything that Matters

Nakita.id – For people who have gastric acid definitely feel awry when consuming fruit.

But don’t worry Moms, there are several types fruit which is safe for consumption by sufferers gastric acid.

Then, here are the types fruit– ingredients that are safe for consumption by sufferers gastric acid.

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Consuming fruits and vegetables is important for maintaining a healthy diet.

However, people with acid reflux disease should not choose a diet carelessly, including in matters of fruit.

The wrong choice of certain foods or drinks can trigger symptoms of acid reflux such as upper stomach pain, heartburn, nausea, dizziness, and so on.

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Fruits with a sour taste like oranges, lemons, limes, pineapples, and tomatoes often cause stomach acid to recur.

Here are some types of fruit that are safe for people with stomach acid:

1. Bananas

Launch Everyday Health, bananas, including fruit that is safe for people with stomach acid.

Bananas are alkaline foods. In other words, these foods are low in acid.

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Apart from being low in acid, bananas also contain a number of nutrients such as fiber, vitamin B6, and potassium which are good for maintaining overall health.

Reporting from AARP, bananas can help deal with rising stomach acid in various ways.

These foods can coat the lining of the esophagus which is irritated due to stomach acid rising from the stomach into the upper digestive tract.

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Not only that, the pectin fiber content in bananas can help strengthen the digestive system.

This type of fiber helps smooth digestion, so food does not stay in the stomach for too long.

As is well known, food that stays in the stomach for too long can increase the production of stomach acid.

2. Papaya

Launch Medical News Today, papaya is a type of fruit that is safe for people with stomach acid because it has low acid levels.

Despite being low in acid, papaya has plenty of water and is rich in vitamin C.

One medium papaya can provide 224 percent of vitamin C needs per day.

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Apart from vitamin C, papaya also contains vitamins A, E, K, folate, minerals magnesium, copper, antioxidants beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and lycopene, calcium, and potassium.

These vitamins and minerals are not only useful for acid reflux disease, but also maintain overall health.

3. Melon

Like bananas, melon is also a fruit that is safe for stomach acid disease.

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Melon is an alkaline fruit. The acidity of the melon or its pH is only about 6.1.

Apart from that, cantaloupe is also a good source of magnesium. As is known, a number of stomach acid drugs contain magnesium.

4. Red apples

Reporting from Healthline, apples are also a fruit that is safe for stomach acid.

The mineral content of calcium, magnesium and potassium is believed to help relieve symptoms of acid reflux.

Apart from the minerals above, apples are also rich in antioxidants that are good for fighting chronic disease.

The thing to remember, red apples have lower acid levels than green apples.

So, people with stomach acid disorders are more advised to eat red apples than green apples.

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5. Watermelon

Launch NDTV, watermelon is a fruit that is safe for people with stomach acid.

This fruit can neutralize acid in the stomach and reduce symptoms of stomach acid because of its high water content.

Apart from that, watermelon is also rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin A, and amino acids which are good for digestion and overall health.

People with acid reflux need to be diligent in consulting a doctor to get the most appropriate treatment.

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Apart from consuming stomach acid drugs, this disease also needs to be controlled by maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Among others, by avoiding high fat foods, caffeinated drinks, alcohol, and being diligent in exercising.

Not only that, avoid overeating and eating too close to bedtime.

This article has been published on Kompas.com with the title “5 fruits that are safe for people with stomach acid”

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