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For Kadyrov, this is already a “war” and its development is not good: Russia

  • October 25, 2022

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  • The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, published a 13-minute long voice message on his Telegram channel, in which, however, he no longer speaks of “special operation”, but of “war”.

    All about the topic:

    Russian invasion of Ukraine 7820

    The content of the message itself is quite long, writes the Russian edition of the BBC, but it draws attention to some of the main points:

    “We said we were conducting a special military operation on Ukrainian territory, but there is already a war there [подсмърча и след това повтаря категорично] – there is already a war on our territory, Don. “Subsequently, Kadyrov returned to this thought several times and insisted that what was happening should be called war, contrary to Roskomnadzor’s requirements.

    “I’m very unhappy, Don, for that.” Kadyrov, as before, is calling for a further escalation. He talks about the attacks of Ukraine on “Russian” territory, obviously referring to the occupied Ukrainian territories, and according to him the reaction is weak and whoever has thrown a bullet on our territory should be wiped off the face of the earth.

    Kadyrov believes that the West has exhausted the possibilities of retaliation measures. “There won’t be any more, don, worse, don, don. Europe does not have sufficient strength”, he believes.

    Kadyrov: 70,000 fighters ready to join Russian troops in Ukraine

    Earlier, Kadyrov said there would be no “partial mobilization” in Chechnya, as the republic over-implemented its plan at the expense of volunteers. But he now believes that the peoples of the North Caucasus should provide far more recruits for the army, not excluding the Chechens. He admits to being surprised that “even the Chechens, many” are not enough, and the next sentence is even more vague: “We are almost one million and six hundred thousand, don. Of them at least 300,000, don, 400,000, don …” – yes complains Kadyrov.

    Kalina Hristova


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