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First Aid, Here Are 7 Natural Cough Medicines That Are Safe For The Whole Family To Consume

As a first aid, there are a number of ingredients around us that can be a natural cough medicine.

SuaraJabar.id – Cough medicine experience. Sick cough can interfere with our daily activities. Because coughing can break our concentration at work or doing other jobs. Because of that cough must be treated immediately so as not to get worse.

Especially with the current changes in the weather, coughs are becoming more and more contagious. As first aid, there are a number of materials around us that can be natural cough medicine.

These materials are easy to find and certainly more cost-effective, compared to having to go to the doctor. And here are five natural cough remedies that you and your family can use:

1. Honey

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Honey illustration (Unsplash/AlexanderMils)

Honey has long been known to have various properties and benefits. Honey has high nutritional value and is complete, so it can help maintain metabolism and endurance. According to research, honey is a natural ingredient to relieve coughs, especially in children.

In honey there is an analgesic substance which is believed to be able to treat infections in diseases that cause coughs, be it a dry cough or cough with phlegm.

2. Pineapple

Pineapple illustration.[Unslash/Denisse Leon on Unsplash]
Pineapple illustration.[Unslash/Denisse Leon on Unsplash]

We may rarely hear the benefits of pineapple to treat coughs naturally. But a study states, in pineapple there is a substance called bromelain.

This substance is found in pineapple stems and can help relieve coughs, as well as loosen phlegm in the throat.

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To get the benefits of bromelain, we can consume pineapple by eating it or making juice and drinking it three times a day.

3. Salt Water

Salt water illustration.  (Shutterstock)
Salt water illustration. (Shutterstock)

This natural cough remedy is very easy to make. Every house must have salt which is used for cooking. However, a salt water solution can also be used to relieve coughs.

The trick, mix a teaspoon of salt water with a glass of warm water, then stir until the salt dissolves. The salt solution water is then used to rinse. This is believed to relieve the throat, thereby relieving coughs.

4. Lemon

illustration of lemon [Shutterstock].
illustration of lemon [Shutterstock].

One more fruit that can be used as a natural cough medicine, namely lemon. As we know, lemon is a fruit that is rich in vitamin C.

Vitamin C itself is very useful for increasing immunity in the body, eradicating germs, including infections in the respiratory tract that can cause coughing. In addition, lemon can also reduce inflammation in the throat so as to prevent coughing.

How to consume it is easy, just mix one teaspoon of lemon juice with one teaspoon of honey. Drink up to several times a day.

5. Ginger

Ginger illustration (pixabay.com)
Ginger illustration (pixabay.com)

Ginger has also been known for a long time for a number of benefits. The spicy and warm taste of ginger can also be used to relieve breathing and irritation in the respiratory tract that can cause coughing.

In addition, ginger also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties which are also one of the causes of coughing. How to consume ginger for cough medicine is quite easy.

Simply brew 20-40 grams of sliced ​​ginger in a cup of hot water. Let stand a few moments, then drink.

6. Turmeric

Turmeric illustration. [Freepik]
Turmeric illustration. [Freepik]

Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin. This compound is known in medical science as anti-inflammatory properties and has the same strong ability as over-the-counter drugs on the market.

Curcumin functions to fight foreign particles that can cause infections in the respiratory tract. Because of that ginger can be used as a natural cough medicine, especially dry cough.

7. Garlic

Garlic illustration [Pixabay/pameladebutler]
Garlic illustration [Pixabay/pameladebutler]

Besides being often used as a cooking spice and natural flavoring, garlic can also be used to treat coughs naturally, especially coughing up phlegm.

Garlic has antimicrobial properties that can stop infection or irritation that can cause excess phlegm.

How to use garlic as a natural cough medicine can be eaten directly or it can be by inhaling its pungent aroma.

If you don’t like the taste of garlic, you can process it by mashing garlic and mixing it with honey and tea.

Those were seven natural cough remedies that you can use to treat coughs as a family. No need to go to the doctor, practical and of course cost-effective. Hope it is useful.

Contributors: Damayanti Heaven

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