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Fire in the building of the De Stem foundation in Suriname

In the Diakonessenhuis in Paramaribo, COVID-19 patients are now also cared for. An appeal has been made by the Ministry of Health as corona infections in the country are on the rise. In the Wanica Regional Hospital (RZW) there is hardly any room left for the reception of the sick. The 48th corona death has now been registered in Suriname. Furthermore, 61 infections were added yesterday. Since the outbreak of the virus in Suriname, 3,077 people have been tested positive.

Diakonessenhuis makes a maximum of fifty beds available: a maximum of 22 for positive patients and 28 for quarantine and suspect COVID-19 patients. At a later stage, this capacity can be expanded with a further 28 beds, including four IC beds, in the new hospital building.


Opening up the hospital to the reception of COVID-19 patients is not without consequences. “The consequence is that regular care can be provided more limited across the board, especially as a result of reduced staff availability for this”, says the management of the Diakonessenhuis.

The hospital has previously provided support in the form of health workers and logistics. However, now that the RZW, among others, has exhausted its recording capacity, the government knocked on the door of Diakonessenhuis. The leadership agreed because of its national sense of responsibility and duty of care towards the community.

Distribution of patients

No COVID-19 patients were previously nursed. Suspicious cases, which had tested positive in the hospital, were transferred to the RZW. While the results of the test were awaited, these people were isolated and nursed on the third floor.

The Diakonessenhuis management emphasizes that the distribution of corona patients across the different institution takes place centrally through the infectiologists of the management body and not at the choice of suspect or positive corona patients.


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