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Fiorello’s diet, the scheme

Dinner Canceling: fasting for dinner to get back in shape. This is the food choice brought to the fore by many national and non-national stars. First of all Fiorello, who questioned about his enviable line, revealed that the secret is not to sit at the table in the evening.

Dinner cancelling: lo schema

«The latest“ food trend ”is the“ Dinner canceling ”diet. It is an evening fast from 5 pm until the morning. It was designed by a German personal trainer, Dieter Grabbe. Dinner should be skipped at least 3 times a week forever, but the meals that are eaten must be balanced to avoid a nutritional deficiency in terms of macro and micronutrients. Generally, it is advisable to have a very rich breakfast, a lunch and a snack that brings carbohydrates, proteins and fats. From 17 stop to the consumption of food. Liquids are allowed, including herbal teas or other sugar-free drinks (maximum one teaspoon of honey) and non-carbonated. According to its creator, this diet would bring about a change in the metabolism and also in the biological clock, obtaining amazing effects on physical fitness», Explains Professor Marcellino Monda, Director of the Department of Experimental Medicine and Director of Dietetics and Sports Medicine at theUniversity of Campania, “Luigi Vanvitelli”.


Effects on the organism

Side effects of fasting include dizziness, headache, low blood sugar, muscle aches, weakness and fatigue. Prolonged fasting can lead to anemia, a weakened immune system, liver and kidney problems, and an irregular heartbeat. It can also cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies, muscle breakdown and diarrhea. There is an increased risk of fluid imbalance and dehydration if the consumption of laxatives and diuretics is also associated with fasting. Obviously, the risks become more complicated and serious the longer you fast or if you repeatedly continue this diet “continues the expert.

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Fasting to lose weight?

“Part of the charm of Dinner canceling (and of all diets that involve intermittent fasting), derives from research with animals showing that fasting can reduce the risk of cancer and slow down aging by activating cellular mechanisms that help strengthen immune function and reduce inflammation associated with chronic diseases. Obviously, eliminating excess body fat will improve a person’s metabolic profile with a consequent reduction in cardiovascular risk and processes associated with chronic diseases. But the truth is, there is no strong evidence that fasting adds health benefits beyond any other weight loss strategy, ”concludes Professor Monda.

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