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Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin and Husband File for Divorce After 19 Years Together

“We filed for divorce together. We are grateful for 19 years together and our beloved daughter. We remain best friends and loving parents who treat each other well. We will continue to spend time together as a family and with each other,” said Marin.

Edition Yle writes that Marin and Räikkonen got married a little less than three years ago, in early August 2020. The couple met when they were 18 years old. They were together for about 19 years.

Daughter Emma was born to the couple in January 2018.


Marin was the youngest prime minister in the world when she took office in 2019 – she was then 34 years old. She led the SDP and the government in 2019 when Antti Rinne had to step down less than a year after the start of the election period, the newspaper writes.

The right-wing National Coalition Party of Finland won the April 2 parliamentary elections, while the left-wing Social Democrats, to which Marin belongs, came in third.

In Finland, the largest party in parliament traditionally gets the first chance to form a coalition government and usually bids for the prime minister. Marin admitted defeat and said that “the triumph of democracy is always wonderful.” In her opinion, her party performed well in the elections. Marin resigned on April 6 but is acting prime minister until a new government is formed.

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2023-05-10 18:37:59

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