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Find out how to avoid the 5 most common summer illnesses

During the summer some diseases become more recurrent, which requires special health care. The specialists highlight the main diseases of the season and reveal how to prevent different problems.

The 5 most common summer illnesses


Water plays a fundamental role in the thermoregulation of our body, it does so through perspiration. The doctor. Gustavo Patury, digestive system surgeon and bariatric surgeon, explains that by releasing water and mineral salts through sweat, we manage to maintain our body temperature at an ideal level – between 35.5 and 37.5 degrees. “With the high summer temperatures, this loss is greater, generating a greater need for water and electrolyte exchange,” he adds.

The expert points out that this time of year is even more important to pay attention hydration. “Not only drinking water, but consuming fruits with a high concentration of water and a low glycemic index such as pineapple, orange, papaya, watermelon and melon, for example – they have more than 70% water in their composition,” the doctor points out.

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It is also common to increase the consumption of alcoholic beverages during the summer. However, it’s important to be careful. “Alcohol ends up dehydrating the person, as it works by decreasing the production of the antidiuretic hormone, which is responsible for regulating the body’s loss of water. Reducing this antidiuretic hormone causes us to eliminate more water as well. When alcohol is absorbed by the cells of the intestinal wall, it ends up hampering the absorption of water,” explains Dr. Gustavo.


Heatstroke occurs when the body reaches a body temperature above 40ºC, which can occur from both sun exposure and being in a very hot environment, explains dermatologist Dr. Meire Gonzaga. “This upsets the body’s entire balance system and the body loses its ability to regulate fluids,” he says.

According to the professional, our equilibrium temperature is between 36.5 and 37 degrees, which is when all our metabolism works normally. Therefore, when the body temperature reaches higher degrees, it is common for the patient to experience the following symptoms: dizziness, malaise, nausea, vomiting, fever. Also, in some cases, the condition accompanies sunburn on the outer skin area.

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The expert warns that the more sunburns we get during our lifetime, the higher our chances of getting them. skin cancer. That’s why preventative measures are so important. Indicate the main ways to protect yourself from heatstroke:

  • Use sunscreen 30 minutes before exposure. Take off all your clothes and filter all regions of your body;
  • Maintain oral hydration;
  • Reapply sunscreen every two hours or every dive;
  • Use mechanical protective measures, such as caps, visors, umbrellas, sunglasses and clothing with protection from ultraviolet rays;
  • Avoid exposure at times of greatest incidence of solar radiation (between 10:00 and 14:00).


Dengue usually appears in the summer, when it’s hot or it rains a lot. Therefore, during the hottest season of the year, it is even more important to avoid leaving standing water. Infectologist Dr. Jorge Paez lists some of the classic dengue symptoms as a warning about when to see a doctor:

  • Sudden onset of high fever;
  • headache (headache);
  • myalgia (muscle pain);
  • Prostration (weakness);
  • arthralgia (joint pain);
  • Asthenia (generalized tiredness);
  • Nausea;
  • He retched;
  • Bleeding, among other symptoms.

To protect himself from the dreaded dengue mosquito bite, Dr. Jorge points out that prevention is still the best way to control transmission. “We have to keep the house clean, eliminate possible outbreaks, always keeping stagnant water tanks protected and avoiding other possible accumulations of stagnant water, such as in potted plants,” he says.

In addition, it is necessary to properly dispose of objects that accumulate water, such as pans, bottles and tires that can serve as breeding ground. Repellents, insecticides, screens on windows or doors in areas with high circulation of mosquitoes are also effective in combating the insect, adds the specialist.

skin problems

With the hottest and most humid summer days, extra care should be taken to avoid skin problems. This is because humidity and heat together increase the proliferation of fungi and bacteria, causing certain pathologies, such as mycosis, herpes, prickly heat, solar acne, folliculitis and impetigo, underlines Dr. Carla Góes, surgeon specializing in dermatology.

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It is normal for ringworm to appear at this time of year. It can happen on the nails and scalp, which are the places with the most moisture. The most common mycoses are caused by candidiasis, pityriasis versicolor and tinea, the main superficial fungi.

“It is important that there is greater hygiene at this time of year, especially in order not to have accumulations of sweat in regions such as the groin, armpits, feet and scalp,” says the specialist.

Also, excessive sun exposure can cause burns, premature aging and skin cancer. The emergence of cold sores is also a consequence. Therefore, care such as reducing sun exposure and using sunscreen are essential to avoid these conditions.

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Conjunctivitis is among the most frequent summer diseases, especially due to the use of swimming pools, sunscreens and prolonged exposure to the sun and air conditioning. Dr. Kemi Salami, ophthalmologist at the Clínica in Beleza do Olhar, recommends some tips to avoid contagion:

  • Avoid touching your eyes;
  • Do not share personal use items;
  • Avoid agglomerations;
  • Avoid contact of sunscreen with eyes.

“The most common symptoms of conjunctivitis are red and watery eyes, photosensitivity, swollen eyelids, itching (itching), discharge and gritty sensation in the eyes,” points out the doctor. In case of contraction of conjunctivitis while travelling, the ophthalmologist recommends some special treatments:

  • Make cold compresses with filtered water and disposable cotton or gauze;
  • Use artificial tears;
  • Change towels and bed linen frequently;
  • Avoid using makeup;
  • Wear sunglasses and remember to wash it daily with mild soap and water.

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