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Financial Strain and Hidden Defects: ‘Help, My Husband is a Handyman!’ Comes to the Rescue for Couple’s Renovation Nightmare

Fenneke and Marc buy a house, but due to hidden defects the newly renovated ground floor has to be demolished. And that causes a financial strain. They have not yet been able to completely tackle the top floor, because they themselves are not good with a hammer and a saw. The team of ‘Help, My Husband is a Handyman!’ helps the couple on their way.

“It is impossible to express in words how grateful we are to you”

Although the ground floor looks good, the upstairs is doom and gloom. “Upstairs it is just a wooden skeleton. The three of us sleep in one bedroom,” says Fenneke, who is pregnant with her second child at the time.

Fenneke and her lover Marc never intended to work with a hammer and saw. “We were not handymen at all or intended to become handymen, but circumstances forced us to do so.” The two are dealing with some serious hidden flaws. “The entire ground floor had to be demolished to install piles under the house.”

It leaves the couple with a huge financial setback, leaving no money for the upstairs or professional handymen. In addition, the two have had medical complaints, which means that work is not possible. “We just had so much bad luck,” says Fenneke. Fortunately, they receive financial support from their loved ones. “We borrowed from my parents, Marc’s parents, his brother and a friend. All together about a hundred and a half euros.”

Marc is very happy that Fenneke has signed them up for the program, because he is completely fed up with it. The handyman team helps them enormously with the first floor. “It cannot be expressed in words how grateful we are to you. And that you have taught us a lot. Really fantastic,” Fenneke says to the team.

Although the top floor is not completely finished yet, the couple has made a lot of progress. “Wow, how cool,” says Fenneke when she sees the new one master bedroom sees. “Really beautiful. This is completely ours.” Their child’s room is also ready. “Oh, how nice,” she says as she enters. Marc is also delighted with the progress that has been made. “Holy f*ck,” he says plainly. The family is not yet aware of Fenneke’s pregnancy. So it is high time to report that. “Congratulations,” the lovebirds are told by sobbing relatives.

A few weeks later, John Williams returns to the couple to see if they have made any progress. “He’s just doing odd jobs,” says Fenneke about her sweetheart. The hallway still needs to be finished, but they will need another two weeks for that, Marc indicates.

Help my husband is a handyman! see you every Monday at 8:30 PM on RTL 4.

2024-02-19 20:59:53

#Fenneke #Marc #grateful #HMMIK #financial #medical #problems #unlucky

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