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Film – Matthes at the film award: “We can only do it together” – culture

Berlin (dpa) – Actor Ulrich Matthes called for more willingness to talk and solidarity in society at the German Film Prize. The 62-year-old opened the award ceremony in Berlin – and used a “James Bond” allusion.

They were all “shaken and touched” after this pandemic, said Matthes. “Some more, some less. This pandemic has really hit some of us existentially threatening.”

Again in front of a large audience

During that time he had the cautious optimism that they would develop a special solidarity. “We can only do it together,” said Matthes. Now there have also been “a few faults of this and every kind”. “And yet I’m just wildly romantic: I won’t let my idealism be taken away from me.” He called for people to remain ready to talk despite conflicts.

For the first time in a year and a half pandemic, the film prize was awarded again in front of a large audience. Around 1200 people were invited – all of them had to go to the corona test in advance. Among others, the actors Elyas M’Barek and Milan Peschel as well as the actresses Iris Berben, Heike Makatsch and Veronica Ferres, series star Kida Khodr Ramadan (“4Blocks”) and director Detlev Buck came.

First prizes awarded

The first prizes were awarded in the early evening – actress Lorna Ishema was named best supporting actress for the film “Ivie like Ivie”. The prize for the best documentary went to “Mr. Bachmann and his class” https://www.sueddeutsche.de/kultur/. “I’m incredibly happy,” said director Maria Speth. She hope that many more people will watch this film. The film team followed a school class in Stadtallendorf, Hesse, for a long time. The protagonist Dieter Bachmann is now Germany’s most famous teacher – “at least for the moment,” said Speth.

Jan Schomburg and Maria Schrader received an award for the script of “Ich bin dein Mensch”. The tragic comedy deals with the question of whether one could also fall in love with robots.

The German Film Prize is the most important national award in the industry. The awards are associated with a total of around three million euros for new projects.

Moderator Daniel Donskoy (“Sankt Maik”, “Friday Night Jews”) will lead through the evening. He started the show with dancing and singing, a kind of hymn to the big screen. In it he sang: “Cinema is cool”. Minister of State for Culture Monika Grütters (CDU) also recalled the power of cinema in her speech. Last year the drama “Systemsprenger” won the Golden Lola. At that time, there was no big gala due to the pandemic.

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