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Film Festival | Sport is a topic at NaturVision

This year, too, a lot will revolve around sport at the NaturVision Film Festival. In cooperation with the SportRegion Stuttgart, very special sports and fascinating personalities will be presented on film and in accompanying discussions at the festival. The film festival will take place for the 20th time in 2021. Once again it will be held as an online festival – with a special selection of films and a diverse supporting program. The festival starts on July 14th and ends on July 18th, 2021.

  • Beyond The Summits portrays extreme mountaineer Jost Kobusch. In an interview with the film, filmmaker Feline Gerhardt from the Baden-Württemberg Film Academy tells more about this sport at the limit of physical strain and the fascination behind it.
  • Borders are also an important topic in Dörthe Eickelberg’s documentaries too Chicks on board – the sea knows no borders: The focus here is on the personal stories of women from all over the world, for whom surfing is more than just a sport and which therefore comes into conflict with cultural, social and religious standards.
  • Bikes vs. Cars draws a young, passionate portrait for a bicycle.
  • Saving Pond Hockey shows how two ice hockey players fight together against the loss of their beloved sport due to climate change.

More info: https://natur-vision.de/de/programm/sportfilme/

Source: NaturVision Filmvestival

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