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Filippo Pozzato hospitalized for Covid in Vicenza

The Vicenza, winner of the 2006 Sanremo and now organizer: “I thought that with my strong body nothing would happen to me. Everyone says Covid is nothing, but it’s not true, I couldn’t stand up. And now I’m attached to oxygen “

He answers from his room in the San Bortolo hospital in Vicenza, pulmonology department. Filippo Pozzato has Covid and speaks while breathing with oxygen. “I don’t have a mask yet, but if I get worse they put it on”.
Immediately after the organization of the four October races, including the new gravel, Pippo had decided to get vaccinated: “The appointment was for 25 October. Why hadn’t I been vaccinated before? Because I have always felt strong, I have been among people who had done Covid and nothing had ever happened to me, and because I was always at full speed with racing, and I had decided to do it later. I was a cogl …., and I took a good beating “.


Pozzato continues to tell: “On 23 October I started to feel bad. A few lines of fever all day, 37 and a half, then 38. I immediately do the swab, it’s Covid. Then I was 39 and a half for almost ten days, I was dead. Three days ago my fever went away, but my oxygen saturation plummeted, I dropped to 87, then 86, I had oxygen tanks at home, it went to 83, I couldn’t even stand up and they brought here. I have severe pneumonia. Everyone says that Covid looks like bullshit … but when you take it you understand that it is not at all. I’ve always been healthy, I’ve never taken anything, but Covid threw me to the ground. I am attached to oxygen to open my bronchi, but if I get worse they put the mask on. I brought three books, I read, sleep, watch television. Luckily I have two guys on my team who know everything and replace me ”. Come on Pippo, we’re with you.

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