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FilGoal | News | The second man – Osama Nabih in Joule: Abdullah Al-Saeed was like a coach … and I insisted on including Fathi

Everyone always pays attention to the coach’s role, the plan he plays, his way of playing and his relationship with players, the public and management.

But in the shadows, there is a second man who does everything and his mission is no less important than the importance of the technical manager .. He is the general coach, the second man in any technical apparatus.

So FilGoal.com introduces a new series with the second man in which we review the highlights of what happened during the coach’s career in recent years.

And the second episode with Osama Nabih, former General Coach of the Egyptian team in Hector Cuper’s technical staff.

Who was the player who was considered by the technical staff as another coach inside the stadium?

Abdullah Al-Saeed was an important element for us in our way.

A situation that occurred in the team or between the players and did not tell the coach for the sake of the team?

I couldn’t hide anything from Cooper, everything happened in front of him.

A decision made by the coach did not agree with him?

A player chose to join him, I do not prefer to reveal his name, and I did not agree with him.

A decision made by the coach that caused his change and was something positive?

Ahmed Fathi Cooper had a different view on him, but I insisted on his inclusion, and Fathi proved the correctness of my view.

What did you benefit most from the foreign coaches you worked with?

Cooper took advantage of caring about every little detail about work, like work. He used to say that those details give you success in work.

He used to say don’t leave anything to chance and don’t put off anything at work for another day.

The best coach you’ve worked with?

In terms of accomplishments, he is definitely Cooper.

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