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Fight Against Aging and Inflammation: Strategies for a Healthier Brain and Body

Fight against aging and inflammation

Dear brain, I cure you. The main organ of the nervous system needs care and attention like our entire body. The research projects conducted by Prof. Michela Matteoli, director of the neuroscience program at the Humanitas Clinical Institute and Professor of Pharmacology at Humanitas University, go in this direction. Always committed to studying the mechanisms by which our brain functions, ages and becomes ill, Matteoli has identified some strategies to allow it to become healthier over time, while still slowing down the physiological decline of age. Many of his studies and recent research demonstrate that our brain is not only a constantly evolving organ and that its greatest talent is plasticity, that is, the ability to modify itself in response to external stimuli, but also that its greatest enemy is inflammation which undermines its ability to function. A decalogue of good behavior, low cost but with high “therapeutic” impact, can however contribute in part to “deflating” this risk

Stimulate neurons

Keeping the neurons moving, that is, always learning. Learning new things generates cognitive reserve, a small functional reserve, which is emptied as we age or in contexts of suffering. There is evidence that the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease is lower in subjects with higher levels of education, further demonstrating that learning facilitates the formation of synapses and protects against cognitive decline

The benefits of physical activity

Doing physical activity, especially aerobic activity, helps to lower inflammation levels. Studies published in prestigious journals highlight the positive impact of physical activity on reducing inflammation. Furthermore, movement would also increase the production of neurotrophic factors in the brain that facilitate the development of synapses

The diet that helps

Prefer a specific diet, for example eliminating fried foods, sweets, sugars and pro-inflammatory foods in general. Diet alone is not enough to slow the onset of neurodegenerative diseases, but the regular consumption of foods with a low inflammatory index helps

Blessed sleep

Sleep a good sleep. During rest, a process of consolidation of memories takes place and the elimination of waste substances from the brain is promoted, including the amyloid beta protein which is primarily involved in Alzheimer’s disease.

More social relationships

Weave social activities. Relationships are crucially important: recent work shows that subjects who live alone have higher levels of inflammation markers than people who live in company.

Avoid negative stress

Avoid negative stress. There is stress and stress: positive stress helps the body respond to a dangerous situation but if it becomes chronic, constant and continuous, it raises cortisol levels, keeping them stable over time, with harmful effects on the brain, in particular on the hippocampus , an area responsible for plasticity and memory processes. Lonely people typically have higher levels of stress

2023-10-27 15:12:00
#Dear #brain #care #methods #healthy

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